Serving Whitman County since 1877
Sorted by date Results 201 - 225 of 268
Endicott The star on the hill to the southwest of town was lit this week. Ray Huntley, his crew and Tony Anderson worked on the project. The star will stay lit for most of the winter. The monthly meeting of the Dad's Night In Pinochle Club was at the home of Shirley Morasch Nov. 17. Attending were Sharon Huff, Anne Lowe, Jenny Meyer, Judy Cook, Jerine Grey, Kathy Schlomer, Marcia Honn, Sue Lynch, Casey Shiprek, Mary Repp, Kathy Storment and Shirley Moarsch. Trinity Lutheran Church's Elizabeth...
Endicott Sunday, Nov. 2, the Endicott Community Club hosted the Annual German Dinner and Silent Auction. They started setting up the event Saturday with a lot of help from the community. Sunday morning the crew arrived at the Endicott School Cafeteria to start cooking and finish up the arrangement of the Silent Auction. The crowd started arriving just before noon to start looking at the auction items and then to eat. The cashier counted approximately 180 people. The auction ended at 2:45 p.m. and the winners started cashing out with their...
Endicott About 70 friends and family of Alice Stover helped her celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday, Oct. 26. The get-together was at Trinity Lutheran Church with a luncheon and birthday cake. The scarecrows, witches, goblins and pumpkins are ready for Halloween around Endicott this Friday night. The Community Bible Church will be having Candy Land that evening with activities for children and coffee for adults....
Endicott Saturday, Oct. 11, Jenny Meyer and her crew at the Endicott Food Center hosted a "Hunters Breakfast" starting at 5 a.m. and running to 11 a.m. She served biscuits and sausage gravy, little pig sausages, scrambled eggs, plain and pumpkin pancakes and fresh maple bars. Proceeds from the breakfast go toward the Endicott Fireworks. The Community Bible Church hosted the Wednesday night Soup and Bread dinner at the Trinity Lutheran Church Parish Hall Oct. 15 with about 70 people attending. Sharon Huff hosted "Dad's Night In" Pinochle Club...
Endicott Endicott Community Club met Oct. 7. The German dinner and silent auction were discussed and committees are in the process of getting everything ready. The dinner and auction will be Sunday, Nov. 2. Proceeds will go toward projects in Endicott. The Community Club has decided to buy flags and poles for the cemetery. Six military flags, one for each branch of the military, and four U.S. flags will be purchased. Community Club also purchased a fire hydrant for the Town of Endicott to replace a broken one. The club is slated for a work day...
Endicott Endicott Community Club hosted a wine tasting and appetizers party Saturday with 50 residents enjoying wines, beers and non-alcoholic drinks with an abundance of food for the evening. The party was a thank you to the community for supporting all of the Community Club's activities during the year. Endicott Bible Church has their schedule for fall ready. Sunday School meeting time will be 11 a.m. for worship. Evening Bible study will be at 6:30 p.m. with prayer time at 6 p.m. The First Sunday of each month is the monthly potluck at 5:30...
Endicott Sharon Huff and daughter Sheryl Kyllo flew to Greensburg, Pa., and then drove to Elkins, Va., for a volleyball tournament. They watched their granddaughter and daughter Shelby Kyllo play in the tournament. Shelby was voted Most Valuable Player in the tournament. While in Elkins the group stayed in the historical home of Senator Harry G. Davis. The home was built in 1892 and named after Sen. Davis's oldest daughter, Grace. The home was converted into an inn in 1996....
Endicott Winona residents Virgil and Betty Jordan had an early celebration of their birthdays with family and friends last week. Virgil is 85 and Betty is 80. Visiting at the home of Willy and Anne Lowe was their daughter, Dee Hill, Kent; Marqus & Jamie Hill, Moscow; and Corrine Lowe, Steptoe. Sharon Huff 's son Bob Huff visited for a couple of weeks. They worked in the yard, went cherry picking at Troy with Harold and Barbara Huff, and visited Cheryl Kyllo for a weekend in Anacortes....
Endicott Endicott had another successful July 4 with a lot of people attending, especially for the fireworks. The hamburgers and sausage dogs were sold out, the pies and ice cream were a hit. Greg and Lorna Burns spent five days in Yakima attending Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Contributions by members to the many charities and scholarships throughout the year were generous and greatly appreciated. Spending the July 4 with Greg and Lorna Burns were daughter Stacie Lyman and husband Roger and their daughter Jade. Sharon Huff...
Endicott Endicott Gun Club will host a Fun and Games Money Shoot July 12. A portion of the proceeds will go to the junior shooting program and to the Malden-Pine City Gun Club to help replace the youth shotguns that were stolen after their club was broken into. Games that will be played include Annie Oakley, Splatter Board, Miss & Out, Doubles and Buddy shoot. Lorna Burns' children hosted a surprise birthday party for her June 14. The party was held at Carol Park in Spokane with 40 in attendance. The food was potluck including a birthday cake....
Endicott Winona Days obvervance Saturday brought 24 people. Attending were Floyd and Bertie Honn, Alvin and Sylvia (Setters) Buchholtz, Bill and Norma Bennett, Doug and Gladys Bennett, Don and Alva May Jordan, Clarence and Laura Hamilton, Ellen Dixon, Don and Phyllis Bennett, John and Donna Bennett, Al and Joyce Dymond, Dorothy Setters Hodgson, Patty Hodgson Reinhardt, Lori Miller, Jerine Bafus Grey and Helen Jane Setters Hughes. Lin Peterson and Dave Millican from Deer Park visited the home of her parents, LeRoy and Lorena Mattley, for...
Endicott Winona Days reunion and potluck will be June 14 at the Endicott School cafeteria from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with the potluck at noon. Visitors at the Endicott home of Tom and Rhonda Hardy over Memorial Day weekend were Bret and Mollie Ewing with Hank and Hudson, Megan Loctor with Margaux, all from Renton; Don and Chris Kackman, Colfax; Eric and Marie Reiber with Macoy and Maverick, Pullman; Cheryl Ross and Jolene Ross, Lewiston, and Myrna Morasch, Endicott. Signing the guestbook at the Memorial Day luncheon at the Endicott Food Center...
Endicott Connor Pelissier, son of Jim and Amanda Pelissier, Endicott, a junior member of the Endicott Gun Club, shot very well at the Inland Empire Handicap Shoot. On Saturday, May 17, he was Sub Junior Runner Up in Doubles with a 90 out of 100 (90/100) and Sub Junior Handicap Winner at 96/100. Sunday, Connor finished as runner up in Singles with a two-day combined score of 191/200. Connor was in a 3-way tie for runner up position and won a 50 bird shoot off with 49/50. Part of the prize was an...
Endicott The first Flea Market in Endicott sponsored by the Community Club was Saturday with 38 spots being rented. Art contest winners were first place Sophia Anderson; Jonah Isaacs and Emily Pierce, tied for second. The crowd was steady all day. Lorna and Greg Burns spent Mothers’ Day weekend at Whitefish, Mont., where grandson Garrett Burns was a player for the 4-13 Titan Lacrosse team from Greenacres. The previous Sunday Lorna and friend Ann Donaldson of Coeur d' Alene Lake participated i...
Endicott Endicott Community Club will sponsor a flea market Saturday, May 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the club lot across from the store and former bank building. Some new things have been going on at the Endicott Post Office. This past week they have ready for use new parcel lockers for those in town that get packages too big to fit in their Post Office Box. Residents will get a key to unlock the locker and be able to get packages out when the Post Office is closed. Contact Postmaster Ashlee Taylor for more information Collection time for...
Endicott The Easter Bunny had a great time hiding eggs for the children of Endicott on Saturday, April 19, at the City Park next to the Community Bible Church. The Community Bible Church and Trinity Lutheran Church hosted the hunt and assisted the Easter Bunny. After the egg hunt more than the 40 children were invited into the Community Bible Church for refreshments and each child received a bag of goodies. The Dad’s Night In Pinochle Club met at the home of Marcia Honn April 21. Those attending were Sharon Huff, Shirley Morasch, Anne Lowe, J...
Endicott Endicott Community Club had their monthly meeting at Endicott Food Center April 7. Upcoming events discussed were birthday calendar time lines for signing up and advertisement, flea market scheduled for May 10 and the July fourth celebration. Community Club will have a bake sale during the flea market for Relay for Life. Trinity Lutheran Church hosted soup and bread supper on April 2 with nine varieties of soups and a large assortment of breads and cookies. It served 45 people....
Endicott Community Bible Church last Wednesday hosted Bread and Supper night at Trinity Lutheran Church. Five or six varities of soups and various breads and cookies were served to about 70 people. Spring flowers are blooming, yards are beginning to be cleaned up, trees are being trimmed, little green leaves are showing....
Endicott Dad’s night for pinochle club met at the home of Lorna Burns March 17 with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Players were Sharon Huff, Shirley Morasch, Anne Lowe, Jerine Grey, Bertie Honn, Mary Repp, Marcia Honn, Judy Cook, Sue Lynch, Casey Shiprek, Greg and Lorna Burns. Gun Club report: Division 1 Endicott Gun Club Eric Weitze 23, Ed Schultz 23, Mark Teal 22, Todd Strader, Mike Melcher, Brad Bowman 21 Ladies:Amanda Pelissier 17, Jessica Geissinger 16 Junior: Hunter Weitze 21, Connor Pel...
Endicott Trinity Lutheran Church’s Elizabeth Circle met March 4 to make quilts. They finished six quilts that will be sent off to the mission later this spring. Present were Barbara Huntly and her sister Vicky, Ann Stoner, Sharon Huff and Gail Bilow. Soup and bread supper hosted last Wednesday by Trinity Lutheran Church served more than 80 people with a variety of eight soups, bread and desserts. Next Sunday, March 16, will be the end of shooting for the Endicott Gun Club winter league. The division scores will be announced, officers elected a...
Endicott Gun Club report for March 2: Division 1 Endicott Gun Club 97-100 Travis Schluneger 25, Ed Schultz 25, Eric Weitze 24, Amanda Pelissier(L) 23 Endicott Gun Club (760-800) Ladies Endicott Gun Club 17-25 Jessica Geissinger 17 Endicott Gun Club (305-400) Junior Endicott Gun Club 81-100 Connor Pelissier 22, Hunter Weitze 22, Conrad Hergert 20, Carsten Miller 18 Endicott Gun Club (463-700) 20 Shooters, Cold And Snowing...
Endicott Gun club report for Feb. 23: Division 1 Endicott Gun Club 93-100 Todd Strader 24, Brad Hergert 24, Ed Schultz 23, Travis Schluneger 22 Endicott Gun Club (663-700) Ladies Endicott Gun Club 38-50 Amanda Pelissier 20, Jessica Geissinger 18 Endicott Gun Club (288-375) Junior Endicott Gun Club 65-100 Connor Pelissier 19, Conrad Hergert 18, Joe Veitz 16, Carsten Miller 12 Endicott Gun Club (382-600) 21 Shooters No Wind, Bright And Snowy....
Endicott The Endicott Community Club held its monthly meeting Feb. 11 at the Endicott Food Center. Members present were Gail Bilow, Sue Bafus, Jerine Gray, Colleen Winchester, Myrna Morasch, Ann Stoner, Cinda Tribble, Jenny Meyer and Anne Lowe. A committee was formed to discuss and plan the Garage Sale Day some time this spring. Ideas for July Fourth celebration were discussed. Elizabeth Circle was held at Trinity Lutheran Church on Feb. 11 to continue making blankets to be sent to missions for the children. Endicott Gun Club Scores From Feb....
Endicott Endicott Community Bible Church will host a Valentine’s Day luncheon at 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 14. All widows and widowers of Endicott are welcome to attend this Valentine’s Day meal. The luncheon will be in the basement of the Community Bible Church. The scores for the Endicott Gun Club weekly shoot are: Division One, Endicott Gun Club (95-100); Travis Schluneger 24, Todd Strader 24, Ed Schultz 23, Endicott Gun Club (570-600). Ladies Endicott Gun Club (47-50); Tiffany Startin 24, Amanda Pelissier 23, Endicott Gun Club Ladies (25...
Endicott Jenny Meyer, Nancy Anderson and Tia Langston hosted a bridal shower for Katey Kilpatrick, bride elect of Michael Schlomer. A Tupperware party, games, great food and lots of visiting were the ingredients. The Endicott Gun Club held its Sunday trap shoot for scores as follows. The day was cold and clear with 30 shooters and one new junior. Division 1, Endicott Gun Club 97-100; Brad Hergert 25, Travis Schluneger 24, Jim Pelissier 24, Hunter Weitze 24, total score for the season (475-500) Endicott Gun Club Ladies 60-75, Tiffany Hergert...