Serving Whitman County since 1877
Sorted by date Results 247 - 271 of 571
Dusty Oscar and Brian Broeckel spent a Sunday in Hay visiting with old friends and former saddle mates at the campsite of the Gentlemen on Horseback. Both Broeckels were participants in the annual ride for many years. Approximately 50 full-time riders are taking part this year. Art Sager joined the Gentlemen on Horseback ride Wednesday. They spent the week in Hay riding to a different location each day. Sager estimated they rode about 18 miles the day he joined them. They had a camp cook who served breakfast, packed a lunch for them to take... Full story
Dusty Last week Wednesday, the Dusty B.B. Club's annual guest day luncheon was at the Jones Schoolhouse on the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds. Joseph’s Grainery presented the program on how their business started, plans for the future and how their grain products are used. They also brought recipe cards and free packages of their products for the members and their guests. This was the culminating event of the season. B.B. Club meetings will resume the second Wednesday in October at the parish hall of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in LaCrosse to mak...
Dusty Brian and Angela Broeckel drove to Portland Friday to spend Mother’s Day weekend with daughter Alex BeDell and Kyle Zartman. They attended an NBA playoff game between the Portland Trail Blazers and the Golden State Warriors. They returned home Sunday. Denise Broeckel Kendall spent Mother’s Day weekend with her father Oscar Broeckel. Richard Alexander, Tacoma, was a surprise guest to the home of Carmen and Blake Heaton. He arrived Friday to surprise his mother, Emily Alexander, who is living with the Heatons. Sunday, Tru and Range Hea... Full story
Dusty Pastor Steve Szasz of Moscow, Idaho, who serves the Country Bible Church near Dusty, received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Corban University School of Ministry in Salem, Ore., on Saturday. The guest speaker filling in for Pastor Szasz Sunday morning at Country Bible Church worship services was Adam Swenson, graduating senior at Moody Northwest, Spokane. Miriam, Rachel and Emma Frei spent a week with their grandparents, Dick and Helen Appel. Their parents were visiting friends in Ohio and Lisa’s sister Susan in Indiana. Dale and V...
Dusty Country Bible Church completed its ditch cleaning duty Friday for the Adopt-a-Highway program. The requirement was to do it in April. A number of Dusty residents attended funeral services Saturday in the Hay church for Whitman County native Tyke Curtis. Kim and Cindy Pitts went to Spokane Friday to watch grandson Rafe Carlson participate in a track meet. Unfortunately, the meet was rained out. They stayed overnight at the home of their daughter’s family and attended grandson Tate’s baseball game at Avista Stadium Saturday. David and Phy... Full story
Dusty Thirteen Baptist church ladies from Union Gap, Ore. held their annual retreat at The Parsonage Bed and Breakfast Thursday through Saturday in Dusty. Art and Colene Sager flew to Joseph, Ore., Sunday afternoon for dinner and sightseeing. They were able to take a courtesy car offered to pilots from the airport into town. The weather was so nice, they chose outside seating at the restaurant. They drove to Wallowa Lake before flying home. Linda Hennigar and Jim Moore went to the plowing bee at the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds last Saturday.... Full story
Dusty Sunday morning, Country Bible Church was the site of a very successful soup bagging session for Homestead Ministries. More than 40 people helped bag more than 800 bags of bean, split pea and lentil soup to be distributed to those in need. Most appreciated were the youngsters who worked like troopers as runners. They kept things moving by handing out supplies of baggies and labels, toting the filled bags to those who sealed the bags and then taking the finished product to the boxing area. Art and Colene Sager had their daughter and...
Dusty Danielle Worley and Kacie Barton of Terre Haute, Ind., visited Dick and Suzy McNeilly recently. Suzy’s mother and Danielle were sisters. The women drove to Sumpter, Ore., to visit family, cousins Dan Warnock and Shelby Getz of Pendleton, Ore. Reminder: Sunday, April 10, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Homestead Ministries will have a soup bagging session at the Country Bible Church. Everyone is welcome to come help put together small bags of soup mix to give to those in need. Dress casually. Lunch will be provided after the session. This p...
Dusty Linda Hennigar and Jim Moore attended the Distinguished Young Woman event in Potlatch Saturday. Hennigar's great-niece, Brookelyn Carpenter, won the spirit, fitness and scholastic categories and was first runner-up. Carpenter's parents are Bret Carpenter and Joyce Carpenter. Her grandparents are former Whitman County residents, Jack and Marilyn Hennigar. Steve and Becky Camp attended the Onecho Bible Church musical presentation of “The Story” Friday evening. David and Phyllis Stueckle, Ann Emerson and Bill Emerson attended the wedding of...
Dusty Wes and Jen Claassen had the pleasure of watching their daughter, Lauren, become the Distinguished Young Woman of LaCrosse Saturday at the program in Colfax. Lauren’s grandparents, Darrel and LaRae Claassen, Dusty; her brother Bo, home from Boise State, and the rest of her family were there to support her. She will compete in the state competition in Pullman, Aug. 6. Linda Hennigar and Jim Moore attended the funeral for Hennigar's aunt, Dorothy Haugeness, 97, in Boise March 16. Another niece, Dave and Elaine Stueckle Hogan of Richland, al...
Dusty Country Bible Church will host a Homestead Ministries soup event April 10 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Bagging soup mixes for the needy will replace the usual morning worship service, so dress casually. Everyone is invited to join. Soup will be served after the bagging. Recently, Harm and Jan Smith met their grandson Micah and his parents, Gina and Jason Morgan in Anaheim, Calif., to spend several days at Disneyland and California Adventures. Favorite rides were Thunder Mountain and Cars. Micah also received Jedi training while there. The... Full story
Dusty Tom and Doreen Riedner hosted the annual Broeckel family sausage production in their home Saturday. The group included Brian and Angela Broeckel, Dusty; Tony and Denise Kendall, Tacoma; Dennis and Bev Brunson, Richland; Greg, Gwen, and Jason Nolan, Jeanette Nolan, Andrew and Emily Nolan and Lauren, Grady and Holden, all of Colfax; Patty Wieber, Brett Wieber, Bobby and Jamie Halbig and Emma, Evie and Ezra, all of Spokane; Ken and Pam Beasley and Zach Beasley of Waitsburg; and Karen Broeckel, Dusty. Tom and Doreen Riedner officially joined... Full story
Dusty Dale and Vicki Broeckel joined Mike and Michelle Carver in attending the international cat show, “On Safari,” in Spokane Saturday. As many as 225 cats from the United States and around the world came from as far as Europe, Australia and South America. The show featured all breeds of cats, but highlighted the Bengals, known for their stunning coat which mimics that of leopards. Funeral services for Berniece Wigen, sister-in-law of the late Gilford Wigen, were Feb. 12 in Rockford. She is survived by her husband Kenneth; two sons, Keith and...
Dusty David Stueckle and Steve Appel attended Farm Bureau Legislative Days in Olympia last week from Monday to Wednesday. Nine members of the Dusty B.B. Club plus guest Lisa Frey and children met at the home of Helen Appel last Wednesday for a fun day of playing Bingo. Helen and Liz Appel were co-hostesses. The next meeting will also be at the home of Helen Appel, Wednesday, March 9, at 1 p.m. Liz Appel will present a glass painting lesson. Members are asked to bring their itty bitty paint brushes for detail work, if they have them. Roll call...
Dusty Last week, Dick and Helen Appel attended the American Sheep Industry Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz. Helen is a past president of the auxiliary, ASIW. They enjoyed sunny 75 degree days while in Arizona. Monday evening, they helped their daughter Caroline celebrate her birthday with dinner, cooked by her husband Rob, in the family home in Pullman. Beth Christie spent last week in Albion, N.Y., visiting her seven-month-old granddaughter, Kendall Lasky, and daughter and son-in-law, Jordan and Kevin Lasky. She arrived back home Monday. Loren...
Dusty Kim and Cindy Pitts have received the Whitman County Century Farm certificate from the county commissioners. Their farm was bought in 1915 by Kim's great-grandfather, John Stueckle. It was acquired by Kim's grandparents J.A. and Rosa Stueckle in 1919 and passed on to Kim and his brothers Jon, Steve and Jeff Pitts in 1993. In 2015, Kim and Cindy Pitts acquired sole ownership. Whitman County farms which have been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years qualify for recognition as a century farm. Michelle Christie, daughter of Bet...
Dusty Nine members of the Dusty B.B. Club met last Wednesday in the parish hall of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in LaCrosse to make baby blankets for the free maternity clinic at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. Co-hostesses were Suzy McNeilly and Karen Broeckel. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 10, at the home of Helen Appel. Bring a "white elephant" gift for roll call. The program is an afternoon of playing bingo. David and Phyllis Stueckle and their granddaughter and her husband, Mark and Andrea Stueckle Davis, spent from Monday to...
Dusty The annual meeting of Country Bible Church will be Sunday after the church service. Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch. Jillene Lambert Mitz, daughter of the late Don and Jerry Lambert, who used to own the Dusty Service Station and later, the William’s Lake Resort, died on Tuesday, Jan. 5, in Tustin, Calif. She and her husband Oren Mitz, who is originally from Kahlotus, were married for 32 years. Jillene was a cousin of Vicki Broeckel and Sharry O’Hearne. Berniece Krom and Don Lambert were siblings. Nikki Caldwell, daughter of t... Full story
Dusty Guests at the Dick and Helen Appel home for Christmas dinner included Bruce, Elaine, Logan, Charlie and Spenser Appel, Spokane; Phil and Sabrina Appel with guests Leslie and Kellie, Spokane; Caroline, Rob, Zack, Kade, Elly and Luciene Kunkel, Pullman; Lisa, Travis, Miriam, Rachel, Emma and Colette Frei, Palouse; Steve and Dianne Appel, Dusty and Dave, Alice and Charlie Appel, Colfax. Arriving Dec. 26 for hog butchering were Bruce and Barb Wollstein, Lacy; Dave, Beth and Kristin Lohrmeyer, Gig Harbor; Kate and Elliott Moon, Corvallis;... Full story
Dusty Visiting at the home of their parents, Ed and Joan Broeckel, from last week Monday through Thursday, were Anthony and Jen Harkishnani of Seattle and from last Wednesday to this week Tuesday, Amber Broeckel of Boise. Meggie Perron, Walla Walla, spent three days at the home of her grandmother, Fran Jones. Warren and Julie Jones, Hayden, Idaho, arrived Christmas morning. Son Bryan came for brunch and dinner with the family. They were joined by Bryan’s daughter Emelie Jones. Meggie returned to Walla Walla on the 26th. Emelie returned to S...
Dusty Two weeks ago, David and Phyllis Stueckle attended a funeral service in Bremerton for Phyllis's sister, Corrine Spitzer, who died Nov. 11. Her husband, LeRoy, had died the week before on Nov. 5. Also attending the service were Corrine's siblings Ann Emerson and John Aune. The Stueckles went on to Seaside, Ore., where they spent several days with Rueben and Judy Stueckle. Denise Kendall, Tacoma, arrived at the home of her father, Oscar Broeckel, Saturday where she will spend a good part of her break from teaching at the University Place...
Dusty Warren and Julie Jones were guests at the home of Bryan Jones last weekend when they celebrated their mother Fran’s 90th birthday. They also attended the Dusty B.B. Club Christmas party Friday evening. Meggie Perron, Walla Walla, arrived Sunday to spend a few days with Grandmother Fran. Emelie Jones, Spokane, arrived on Monday. Art and Colene Sager had all their family home on Sunday to celebrate an early Christmas. Guests included Kyle and Ann Sager, Sarah and Hannah Manning, Spokane; Blake and Marcy Sager, Kenneth and Jullene, O... Full story
Dusty Selbu Lutheran Church celebrated their Christmas Fest after regular worship services Sunday. The church Christmas tree was decorated and Sunday School children presented their Christmas program. Saturday, Linda Hennigar was the guest of Sharon McKeirnan at the Onecho Bible Church Ladies’ Christmas luncheon at the church.... Full story
Dusty Tammy Lewis, secretary for the Dusty B.B. Club, reported that she mailed 12 boxes of goodies that the club packed for the troops at their November meeting on Veteran’s Day. The boxes went to Kuwait. Larry and Di Brink hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Kevin, Amber, Ashley, Kloey, Ellie and Nick Brink and their friend Hunter Schuster, all from Kennewick; Mike Stine from LaCrosse and Lucky and Joan Myrick from Dusty. Gary and Diane Monson, Dusty, and her mother Lucille Willson, Colfax, spent Thanksgiving in Spokane with Diane’s uncle and aun...
Dusty Phyllis and David Stueckle, Steve and Dianne Appel and Peter Appel attended the Washington State Farm Bureau Convention in Yakima last week from Tuesday through Thursday. Homestead Ministries met with the St. Patrick's Youth Group last Wednesday, Nov. 18, in the parish hall of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Colfax. They bagged 600 soup packages which will be distributed to Whitman County food banks. Last Thursday they met with Chi Omega and the ASWSU GIVE organizations for WSU Poverty Awareness Week where they put together 800 p...