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Articles from the June 6, 2019 edition

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  • Menus: June 6, 2019

    Jun 6, 2019

    AT ENDICOTT SCHOOL: Monday: Chicken nuggets, salad and carrots, pears, muffins Tuesday: Out at noon - last day of school! Roller dogs, fries, veggie and fruit tray, ice cream bar AT LACROSSE SCHOOL: Monday: Sack lunch with sandwich, chips and fruit Tuesday: Last day of school! - Out at 10 a.m. AT ST. JOHN SCHOOL: Monday: Chicken fajitas, Mexi rice, corn, fruit Tuesday: Out at noon - last day of school! Sack lunches AT TEKOA SCHOOL: Monday: Hamburger, tater tots, salad bar, fruit Tuesday: Chicken taco boats, sour cream, salsa, salad bar, fruit...