Serving Whitman County since 1877
Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 55
Yvonne Enzweiler Weed A graveside celebration of life for Yvonne Mae Enzweiler Weed, 27, formerly of LaCrosse, will be at 2 p.m., Saturday, June 26, at the LaCrosse Cemetery. A potluck reception will follow at the LaCrosse Masonic Hall. She died on Sunday, June 20, 2010 following an automobile accident north of LaCrosse. Born Nov. 16, 1982, in Kennewick, to David and Margaret Perkins Enzweiler, she grew up in LaCrosse where she attended school. Yvonne played on the high school softball team and was a cheerleader. After graduating from LaCrosse... Full story
Winona Day brings 37 to Endicott school Winona Day was June 12, 2010, at the Endicott School Cafeteria from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with 37 people attending. The day was spent visiting. Plans were made to meet again June 11, 2011, same place and same time. Betty Schmick and Helen Jane Hughes of Endicott will be in charge. Those attending were Bill and Norma Bennett, Connell; Doug and Gladys Bennett, Echo, Ore.; John (Jack) and Dona Bennett, Oakville; Don and Phyllis Bennett of Hermiston, Ore.; Sylvia Buckholtz, Newcastle; Don and Ellen Dixon,... Full story
ROSALIA Members of a Spokane County 4H Paparazzi group make a stop at the Texaco Station in Rosalia. Song Hill prepares sandwiches for their new deli service at the grocery store. Members of the Spokane Thunder Drum & Bugle Corps have been staying in Rosalia to practice for a concert tour to Southern California. The regional group has been practicing on the school grounds and Rosalia residents can hear them in most corners of town. A free concert has been slated by the corps for Wednesday, June...
LaCrosse Welcome Home...a celebration of where we live was the theme for the LaCrosse Farmers’ Festival, Saturday. Members of the LaCrosse Scout troop carrying the American flag and the Washington State flag were Gunnar Aune, Nicolas Canderlerio, Trey Fleming, Ty Harder, Austin Jones and Austin Stanley. Singing our National Anthem was Linda Hennigar. Representing the Whitman County Sheriff’s Posse were Steve Camp on “Skittles” and Art Sager riding “Marian.” LaCrosse Kiddie Parade entries were Shyanne Yeigh-Cook, Derek and Darin Repp drivin...
Your Hospital District Commissioners have challenged the hospital staff with a bold new vision: To be the best we can possibly be. They have told us they want us to be the best Critical Access Hospital in the nation! This is obviously a high goal, but you may wonder “What is a Critical Access Hospital?” A Critical Access Hospital (CAH) is a Medicare designation awarded to smaller hospitals which serve specific communities. CAHs must meet certain criteria and conditions of participation. For example, a CAH must operate 25 beds or less, have an... Full story
Garfield rural carrier Hap Stern received a certificate for her 13 years of accident free driving. During that time she has driven nearly 313,404 miles without any mishaps. In addition to her certificate, she earned a free pizza from Smokin Papa’s restaurant. Postmaster Richard Landers said her safe driving, consistent service, friendly demeanor and dog treats make her a favorite of residents on the Garfield rural route....
Dusty LaCrosse High School graduating class of 1960, celebrated their 50 year reunion over the weekend. They rode the LaCrosse fire truck in the Farmers Festival parade Saturday, attended the festival picnic in the park, had a barbecue Saturday evening and breakfast Sunday morning at the Parsonage Bed and Breakfast. Staying at the Parsonage were Dennis and Bev Milam Bunson of Richland, Kathy Buck Garcia of Albany, Calif., and the class mascot, Linda Mays Branae (class of 1961) of Billings, Mont. Those who attended some or all of the activities...
Lamont Kathy Shields, Joy Davis-Franklin, Tom Davis and Louise Belsby met for lunch Wednesday, June 16, at Willow Springs in Cheney. Louise is vice president of the Pine City Historical Society and was meeting with Joy and Tom to receive several items Joy and Tom are donating to the society. They are descendants of Pine City pioneers. Sprague-Lamont Red Hat ladies drove to Spokane June 16 to tour the Campbell House, MAC Museum and have lunch at the D’Zaar Restaurant inside the MAC. Nita Polda, Pat Peterson, Nita Vold, Aneta Frederick, Kay Dirks...
Ken and Joy McNaughton announce the engagement of their daughter, Kelsey McNaughton, to Benjamin Vantrease, son of Ron and Jeanne Vantrease, all of Colfax. They will be married July 10 at Community Bible Church in Colfax.... Full story
Harold (Lucky) Myrick and Joan Brink were married June 26, 1960, at Selbu Lutheran Church in LaCrosse. They spent most of their married life in western Washington where he worked in construction before retiring. They moved to the Dusty area in 1998 and now reside on Little Alkali Flat. They have three sons, Rob, LaCrosse; Rich, Moses Lake, and Mike, Spanaway, and six grandchildren. Friends and family are invited to a reception in their honor Saturday, June 26, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Larry and Di Brink,...
Although they were high school sweethearts, Margaret and Pete Leonard didn’t marry until they met again at their 30-year high school reunion. When they graduated from Bonner’s Ferry High School in 1968, the Vietnam War was in full swing. Pete joined the Marines and served two and a half years in Vietnam. Margaret went to the University of Idaho. Margaret then lived in California for 18 years, raised a family, worked for a newspaper, real estate firm and United Airlines. She returned to Bon...
Hal (Babe) Lyons, a Colfax World War II veteran who returned to graduate from Washington State College with the class of 1950, was among the university’s graduates honored at the Diamond Grad celebration last April. Lyons, now of La Quinta, Calif., has continued his support of the university by sponsoring the Cougar Desert Golf Classic at Rancho Mirage Country Club for eight years. Proceeds from the event were used for scholarships for WSU students. Lyons also promoted the first WSU football game in Seattle and had a role in recruiting s...
Allen McSweeney, Colfax, with Gary and Kathleen Ebbert of Port Orchard. Gary and Kathleen Ebbert of Port Orchard who are making a second cross-country trip in their Model T Ford in as many years, stopped in Colfax last Thursday as guests of Allen McSweeney, fellow Model T enthusiast. McSweeney and the Ebberts have participated together in several Model T tours. The Ebberts last year were part of a New York to Seattle cross-country run to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Alaska Yukon Exposition in Seattle. The Ebberts’ 1915 Ford can c...
An increase in the fees for conditional use permits on construction projects valued at more than $5 million was approved Monday by Whitman County commissioners. Such projects will now pay the county based on the amount of time and legal fees associated with issuing a conditional use permit. Prior to the change, the fee for such permits was capped at $800 outside the Pullman-Moscow Corridor and $1,500 inside the corridor. The new fees were designed to offset the increased costs associated with the intricate workload required to permit large...
Acting on a recommendation from the Palouse Trail Committee, Whitman County commissioners Monday ended the county’s lease with Bob Boyd for land that runs between the Chipman Trail and the Moscow-Pullman Highway. Boyd had leased the property, which is adjacent to property he owns, from the county. He previously owned a grain elevator that was situated on both parcels. The grain bins and head house were destroyed by a fire Aug. 10, 2007. Since that time, the county has been leasing the parcels to Boyd under a series of six-month leases. Keith K...
Preliminary copies of the Colfax School District’s 2010-2011 budget will be available to the public next week, Superintendent Michael Morgan said Tuesday. Morgan said the school board is planning to hold a public hearing on the budget during its July 12 meeting. The district’s fiscal year begins Sept. 1, but its budget must be submitted to the state superintendent’s office by July 31. For the 2009-2010 school year, the district’s budget was $6,549,262. Falling enrollment numbers and state revenues brought on by the slumping economy mean the sch... Full story
The Whitman County Historical Society will host its 38th annual Ice Cream Social at the Perkins House in Colfax Sunday, June 27, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The Perkins House is a Victorian home operated as a living museum in Colfax. Characterized by both Italianate and East Lake architectural influences, the house is the crowning glory of historic residential Colfax. All proceeds from the event go to the Whitman County Historical Society to be used for the preservation of the Perkins House. Slated to debut at this year’s social will be two new s...
Summer has finally arrived. Where’s your favorite swimming hole? Nick Mayer, Colfax “The flood control. But I haven’t been down there for years. You’ve got to be careful when you slide down the middle, though. Watch out for the ice breakers.” Chris Olsrud, Colfax “I suppose the river down there. It’s the closest place to go.” Travis Flint, Colfax “I don’t really like swimming around here. I used to go to the pool, but they’ve got too many rules. Terry Vietz, Colfax “I don’t really like swimming anymore. My dad taught me how by taking me out t...
I always thought if you made something with a three-dimensional printer, you’d need to wear special glasses to look at it. I was wrong, though: A 3D printer can actually take something you designed on your computer and “print” the object out in hard plastic — such as, for example, a pair of 3D glasses. 3D printers give us what we’ve all been craving: another reason to talk to technical support. When you finally get the thing working, though, you’ll be able to print out your grocery list as a cube! When you look up directions online, you...
Researchers have found symptoms of a virus beginning to appear in Whitman County pea fields, though it is not yet known how much damage the virus will do. Pea enation mosaic virus was spotted in fields near Almota and Albion earlier this month. Sanford Eigenbrode, entomologist at the University of Idaho, said the June 7 spotting was the earliest symptoms have been spotted in four years of surveys. In the time of discovery, the virus had yet to injure pea crops, but Eigenbrode worried the earlier spotting could mean this year will be different.... Full story
Have the facts I have read in the newspapers about a problem the Colfax City Council seems to be having. That is what this letter will be about. The Council seems to be unhappy with the Mayor and the city administrator. I have strong feelings about what is going on, thus this letter goes beyond the fact that the administrator is my son-in-law. As I understand it, there is the possibility that the mayor may let the Fire Chief go or change his position. Some of the Council members don’t want that to happen so they would like to fire the administr...
The lame argument of this election year is if private stores like Costco are allowed to sell liquor, underage drinking will explode. According to opponents of privatizing liquor sales in Washington, only state-owned and run liquor stores can keep booze out of the hands of teens. Give me a break! Any clerk or storeowner – public or private – who sells beer, wine or cigarettes to a minor can be arrested. The law does not discriminate. Apparently, this ridiculous “threat” is the best opponents to Initiative 1100 can come up with. Initiat...
A BELIEF I HAVE held for years as to a prime reason for the high cost of health care got knocked for a loop the other day by a news story in USA Today. It is not vast numbers of people without health insurance who take their health problems to emergency rooms because they know the law mandates treatment whether they can pay for it or not. This way, I reasoned, they avoided doctor bills and the taxpayers got stuck for the much, much higher cost of the ER. But it has nothing to do with insurance. “People come to the ER when they need to come t...
++++ Jerry Jones for the pots of flowers along the sidewalk entering Colfax from Pullman. ++++ Danielle Klaveano for the landscaping at the Colfax library. Send your Pet Peeves and Okeydokes to the Gazette P.O. Box 770 211 N. Main St Colfax, Wa 99111...
The county is trying to work itself out of a mess. The implosion of the finance department after years of fighting ill-conceived computer software purchases and endless implementation problems has brought the courthouse to the edge of dysfunction. Employees, former employees, county commissioners and significant others are embroiled in a conflict that is distracting attention from the real matter of getting the county books up to standards. If it were not for conflicting personalities, the matter might have been resolved long before it hit the... Full story