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Opinion / Letters

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  • Adele Ferguson - Columnist responds to letters on Bush, Palin

    Dec 2, 2010

    “HEY, ADELE, I loooove your wonderful column in the Chronicle every week,” writes Barbi Hill of I’m not sure where, Centralia where the Chronicle is published or Seattle where her letter was postmarked.. “How much do they pay you to spew your hate? You are the biggest racist I’ve ever seen, and a big old bigot. How much our president spends on trips to Asia, etc., is none of your business. “Why drag the Clintons into your wonderful trash very week? I’m a taxpayer too. You aren’t the only one. I find it strange you seem to forget about yo...

  • Pet Peeves and Okeydokes - Dec. 2, 2010

    Dec 2, 2010

    ++++ $500,000!!!! $76,494!!!! Send your Pet Peeves and Okeydokes to the Gazette P.O. Box 770 211 N. Main St Colfax, Wa 99111...

  • Opinion - Lessons learned?

    Dec 2, 2010

    One of the best depictions of small unit combat in the Vietnam War was recently shown on television, and it was not even about Vietnam. It was about small unit combat in Afghanistan. The similarities are chilling. Take away the forests and replace them with jungle and very little has changed over the intervening years. Of course, equipment, weapons and communications are better now. The food looks better too, but that is about it. The troops still are isolated, even from their own support. They still conduct small patrols in very hostile...

  • Letters - Nov. 25, 2010

    Nov 25, 2010

    Hunting response This letter is in response to an article in the Gazette titled "Hunting violations said on the increase in county." The reason for this letter is for the one quote by Fish and Wildlife Officer Bob Weaver. He says that hunting game from inside your car is unfair to the animal. He then goes on to say "that's just plain cruel. It's an unsportsman-like way to hunt." I don't know if part of the interview was edited or not but that quite cast a broad net and for me as a hunter with disabilities, I was offended by it. Officer Weaver,... Full story

  • W. Bruce Cameron - I Bury Paul

    Nov 25, 2010

    This past year, millions of television watchers around the world tuned in to the World Cup so they could listen to the melodious music of the vuvuzelas. The vuvuzela is a plastic horn invented in ancient times by Africans who apparently had access to plastic but not to a flutophone, because the instrument can blow only one horrible note. (The word "vuvuzela" is difficult to translate but means something similar to, "The elephant shares news of his digestive problems.") With all the horn-blowing going on at the World Cup, it seemed only natural...

  • Adele Ferguson - Doctored drilling report, fed pay to dead people on comment list

    Nov 25, 2010

    ITEM-The Interior Department's inspector general confirmed the White House edited a drilling safety report that made it falsely appear that scientists and experts supported the administration's six month moratorium on new deep water oil and gas exploration. The scientists and experts, who hadn't even mentioned moratorium in their review of new safety measures for off shore drilling, are furious. COMMENT-The inspector general's report says White House energy adviser Carol Browne's staff, by moving up a reference to peer review, could have... Full story

  • Pet Peeves and Okeydokes - Nov. 25, 2010

    Nov 25, 2010

    #!*! $500,000!!!! $76,494!!!! YYYY The Colfax School Board for making a decision based on the best interest of our children and community. Send your Pet Peeves and Okeydokes to the Gazette P.O. Box 770 211 N. Main St Colfax, Wa 99111... Full story

  • Opinion - It is brutal outside

    Nov 25, 2010

    Weather prediction is a chancy affair. Any number of methods and computer models are used to see into the future. Satellites, too, give an unprecedented look at Earth and its weather patterns. Weather prediction has become a sophisticated science, much too sophisticated to rely upon old folklore. The length of the fuzz on a wooly caterpillar and winter preparations of some animals have been used for eons to foretell the coming weather. It is hard to tell what methods are the most accurate. This year's scientific long-range weather predictions... Full story

  • W. Bruce Cameron - Remote Possibilities

    Nov 18, 2010

    I have seven remote controls for my television set that I keep in a basket — I’ve nicknamed the basket “the remote jungle.” At night, when I’m asleep, the remotes like to escape the jungle and burrow deep into the couch cushions. This is the only explanation for why I can often change the channel by shifting my position on the couch. I am certainly not one of those people who is too lazy to put a remote back in the basket when I am finished with it — why would the word “lazy” ever be used to describe someone with so many remote controls? My fa...

  • Don Brunell - The legacy of Lonesome Larry

    Nov 18, 2010

    In 1992, a single male sockeye salmon managed to swim 900 miles from the mouth of the Columbia River to Redfish Lake in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, the end of his migratory journey. Biologists dubbed him “Lonesome Larry.” This year, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council happily reported record-setting runs for sockeye in the Columbia and Snake rivers and their tributaries. Nearly 387,000 had climbed the fish ladders at Bonneville Dam, and by mid-August 2,100 passed through the fish counters at Lower Granite Dam, the last counting stati...

  • Adele Ferguson - Should Obama travel before lame duck season? begin

    Nov 18, 2010

    IT ISN’T SO MUCH the cost of President Obama’s 10 day trip to Asia, it’s what’s he doing going over there in the first place? Hasn’t he got enough to do here at home? He didn’t negotiate those airplane contracts with India, etc. That was all a done deal before Air Force One left the ground over here. Boeing simply allowed him the pomp and circumstance of being in on the signing. At the rate he loves to travel, I suspect he’ll need a new Air Force One before he’s out of office whether it’s two more years or six. I don’t think he was home t... Full story

  • Pet Peeves and Okeydokes - Nov. 18, 2010

    Nov 18, 2010

    ++++ “Educational Backbone Bowl” final score: District-1 Lynch Mob-0 +++++ Pullman Girls winning state volleyball title on Saturday. Send your Pet Peeves and Okeydokes to the Gazette P.O. Box 770 211 N. Main St Colfax, Wa 99111...

  • Letters - Nov. 18, 2010

    Nov 18, 2010

    No letters to the editor this week....

  • Opinion - Giving thanks by giving

    Nov 18, 2010

    Donna Thompson of Colfax cares. Her caring and concern have resulted in a unique, unselfish way to share with others. For the last several months the United Methodist Church has provided free meals every month for those who wish to take advantage of them. Those seeking a wholesome hot meal to help with the family budget are welcome. So are those who simply want to join others for a relaxed meal and a little socializing. In fact, says Donna, everyone is welcome. Need has nothing to do with it. Donna is the originator of this monthly event. She...

  • Don Brunell - Vive la France?

    Nov 11, 2010

    Over the last month, France has been wracked by a series of protests and strikes that threaten the nation’s economy. Angry mobs set fires and battled with police as strikes shut down the country’s rail system, buses, oil refineries, ports and garbage collection. Why? The government announced it would raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. France, like most European nations, has an expensive government social system funded by high taxes on citizens and employers. The costs are more than many national governments can handle and threatens to bri... Full story

  • Adele Ferguson - Political Junkies get most election day calls right rect

    Nov 11, 2010

    WELL, OUR USUAL election day luncheon gathering to guess the winners didn’t do too badly this time. We’re a small group of a couple of dozen political junkies, usually including city, county and state officials, along with ex and retired same and a few candidates. Then-Secretary of State Ralph Munro was our founder and since we were about half and half, Republicans and Democrats, (I’m the only Independent), he called us the Dumbbells and Jackasses. He didn’t make it this year because he’s overseas somewhere giving shots to native children,...

  • Pet peeves and okeydokes - Nov. 11, 2010

    Nov 11, 2010

    #!*! City officials who abuse their power. #!*! Now that the election is over . . . no one to help customers in the Auditor’s office. YYYY Finally, no more political commercials. #!*! The push to get livestock away from waterways while ungrazed waterways are chocked with noxious weeds. ++++ The ladies in the DOL for being helpful and pleasant. Send your Pet Peeves and Okeydokes to the Gazette P.O. Box 770 Colfax, Wa 99111...

  • Bruce Cameron - California — Not Going to Pot

    Nov 11, 2010

    W. Bruce Cameron As this year’s election drew to a close, the nation held its breath to see whether California would legalize marijuana. (After holding its breath, the nation blew it out loudly and then giggled hysterically.) Marijuana is currently illegal in California, which is why no one there can find any pot to buy anywhere unless they, well, look. Medical marijuana, however, can be purchased as long as you have a valid medical condition, such as a headache, a backache or a desire to smoke pot. To buy medical marijuana, you have to ask y... Full story

  • Letters - Nov. 11, 2010

    Nov 11, 2010

    Serious Concern A quick synopsis: the Colfax School District board will be deciding in their upcoming meeting whether to renew the superintendent’s contract for another three years. A group of thirty or more classified and certificated staff have legitimate concerns about the performance of the superintendent and the school board’s tolerance of this performance. This group (committee) is requesting that the board not renew the superintendent’s contract, and that a new leader be selected for the district. As a taxpayer and concerned citiz... Full story

  • Opinion - School board decision due Monday

    Nov 11, 2010

    On Monday night the Colfax School Board will make its decision on whether or not to renew Superintendent Michael Morgan’s contract. This decision will be the culmination of months of contention which surfaced with the failure of the school district’s first levy proposal. The unhappiness did not abate with approval of the second, reduced levy. Camps in the community and within the school district formed to push for changes. Others sided with the status quo. The lightning rod in all of it was the superintendent and the prevailing question over hi...

  • Letters - Nov. 4, 2010

    Nov 4, 2010

    Response In response to Tracy Milano’s letter, I would like to state the following points: 1. I don’t agree with many of Mr. Farr’s “actions”. 2. Is this what we want to teach our children? If you “dislike” someone, just publish your top 10 reasons why. With today’s access to social networking sites, this could have a devastating affect on our children who may be targeted by hateful attacks such as yours. 3. Do we also want to teach our children that they are not responsible for their actions? When they are disciplined by a parent, teacher... Full story

  • Don Brunell - Lame duck could cripple the economy

    Nov 4, 2010

    If you thought the election year rancor and political mudslinging was over, think again. Late last month, Congress slipped out of DC without passing a budget, guaranteeing the House and Senate will be back in session after Nov. 2. The problem is, despite the election results, newly elected House and Senate members won’t be seated until January. However, legislators turned out of office by the voters Nov. 2 remain in power until then. They are free to raise taxes and vote for unpopular programs such as cap-and-trade and card check — and they hav...

  • Adele Ferguson - Williams of EFF predicts day of reckoning for state

    Nov 4, 2010

    BUSINESS LEADERS who gathered in Bremerton to hear one of the sharpest financial analysts around give them the lowdown on the state of their state, found no reason to cheer by the time he got through. This was just prior to the election which is also when this was written, so by now things could be worse, depending on how it came out. It’s bad enough as it is. The speaker was Bob Williams of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, a conservative think tank that keeps an eye on who’s doing what in government to make sure it’s according to law. I met...

  • W. Bruce Cameron - Old Fishermen Never Die — They Just Smell That Way

    Nov 4, 2010

    As part of my “Keep Fit!” exercise regimen, I start every day off with a brisk, active walk to the doughnut shop. Well, OK, most mornings I drive. Right near the doughnut shop is a bridge where three fishermen sit in folding chairs and smell as if they’re rotting in the sun. Their lines dangle over the railing to the water below, much to the amusement of the local fish, who swim past the bait with loud guffaws. I smile and wave at the fishermen, but I’ve learned not to offer any doughnuts because they always take them. Of the three of them, t...

  • Opinion - This is not the Jerry Springer show

    Nov 4, 2010

    The most expensive mid-term election in history has come to an end. Republicans gained control of the House and picked up seats in the Senate as well as many state offices. Overall, it is the most dramatic turnaround for one political party in decades. Aside from being historically expensive, this election cycle was historically rancorous and negative. Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, declared that the Republican’s first priority is to make President Obama a one-term president. Obama called opponents “enemies.” If such parti...

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