Serving Whitman County since 1877
Sorted by date Results 582 - 606 of 3750
Okeydokes: New crosswalk flashers on Main Street. Pet Peeves: This is one senior citizen who wants to see her kids while she is alive, instead of my kids seeing me when I’m dead!...
Dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers provide an appropriate balance between the economic needs of Eastern Washington and fish protections. While we already knew that here in Eastern Washington, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers came to that conclusion, too, after completing yet another environmental study this spring. The results of that new study were released last Friday, and they support keeping things essentially the way they are on our rivers. The dams will stay, for now. Our power...
There he goes again, Publisher Harnack with another anti-government editorial. I don’t dispute his right to his opinion. Was it Mark Twain or A.J. Liebling who said “Freedom of the press belongs to he who owns one.” Initiative 1114 seeks to limit the powers of an elected official to exercise leadership in our state. How is no leadership on the national level workin’ out for ya? Bob Curry, Endicott...
America desperately needed some positive news and a reprieve from the coronavirus pandemic and rioting which is ripping apart our country---most notably in Seattle, Olympia and Portland. We needed reaffirmation that our political leaders can come together, set aside bitter partisan differences, and act in our country’s best interests. That actually happened in the course of the last month. The result would undoubtedly please the legendary U.S. Senator Henry ”Scoop” Jackson (D-WA)---the master problem solver. In March, President Trump signa...
One of the ways high school honors English class has scarred me is it has left me forever analyzing stories. With five kids at home, those stories are often animated movies and cartoons. It’s an interesting juxtaposition when you apply college level analytic to Disney and Pixar characters. In Trolls World Tour—one such fun kids’ movie—the different genres of music trolls live in isolation from each other, until the Hard Rock Trolls try to take over the rest, bringing all trolls under one music....
Okeydokes: Whitman County Road Department’s work paving Steptoe Street and old 195 in Steptoe! Atta boy! To Inland Asphalt - great job! Plenty of sunshine and cooler weather! Pet Peeves No toilet paper or lights on at Schmuck Park women’s restroom. I had to use the men’s, which had everything. People that live on Southview and Valleyview that let their dogs run loose after dark to defecate in their neighbor’s yards....
Gov. Jay Inslee may order quarantines and business shutdowns, but he cannot enforce them. In agreeing with that argument — presented by attorneys for the governor — U.S. District Court Judge Benjamin Settle ruled last Friday that Gov. Inslee cannot be sued for the “unconstitutional” quarantine of healthy residents, shutdown of otherwise viable businesses or mask mandates. According to the judge, state officials can only be sued if they are connected to enforcement of an allegedly unconst...
Several subscribers have complained in the paper that there is no state voters pamphlet. There is, but only on line. Those in the county without computer access are out of luck since our library system has had to be shut down. Given the importance of the voters pamphlet and the public’s expressed interest in having one, I submit the greatest service to county residents the Gazette could supply since the ownership change would be publication of the pamphlet in next week’s paper. This is your chance to validate your support of the 1st ame...
Truth to tell, there are some immigrants we would be much better off without; and I am not afraid to name them. They include Russian knapweed, field bindweed or morning glory, dogfennel, rush skeletonweed, kochia, Canada thistle (all natives of Eurasia); yellow star thistle and diffuse knapweed (Mediterranean area); canary grass and fanweed, to name a few. No matter how many we Roundup, they continue to proliferate. As for human immigration to North America, arguably the most destructive, in terms of disease importation, genocide, habitat...
Sending federal marshals into Portland, Chicago, and other cities will go down as one of the President’s biggest mistakes. It hurts him politically, it harms the already tarnished image of the police, and it works against the rule of law and order. Sending Homeland Security forces to quell the protests under the guise of protecting federal property creates a no-win situation for the President. If his troops clear the streets, he will be rightfully accused of denying the right of peaceful assembly. Any use of force will be countered by the c...
Okeydokes: New paint on Colfax Main Street. My body. My choice. NO mask. All the parking lot fixes done by local businesses. Pet Peeves: My body. My choice. Birth control. People who don’t mind their own business about others not wearing masks. Masks are a choice and some of us won’t be controlled by fear projected by our governor. New format of the Sheriff’s Log. The new county website is pretty, but I miss the old click on the calendar. Very important national election...Whitman County left without information on candidates for office. Compu...
Harvest has begun in the southwestern portion of the county and is rolling along. To all the farmers out there, just in case no one has told you lately, thank you. Thank you for what you do, for the food and commodities you provide and for what that in turn does for our communities. Farmers (which heretoafter shall mean all people busting their rears to put food on our tables; farmers and livestock producers alike) have been greatly disrespected in the last year or so. Politicians and actors...
I always enjoy hearing from Les Wigen (Gazette 7/9/20). And while his arithmetic is impeccable, his logic and sense of thoughtful consideration fall short. Les argues that since Covid deaths (statistically speaking) have been minimal, our Governor has unjustifiably infringed on our freedom (Socialism?) by closing some area businesses and asking county residents to wear face masks. Statistically speaking, very few deaths have occurred on Whitman County’s roadways this year. Does this warrant the removal of all speed limits and other driving r...
Are you as disappointed with our Fifth Congressional District Congresswoman as I? Not once has Cathy McMorris Rodgers had the courage to stand up to Trump and his divisive actions. It is time to vote for someone who has the courage, who has demonstrated skill in dealing with people of all walks of life, and who will work across party lines to serve us and our country. It is time to vote for Dave Wilson! Any successful challenger to CMR must bring all Democrats, Independents and disaffected Republicans together to defeat her. Democrat Dave...
On Friday, July 1, 2016, I chanced to meet congressional candidate Dave Wilson on Main Street in Walla Walla. Being a newly retired healthcare administrator, my eye caught a reference to Critical Access Hospitals in his campaign brochure. I was pleasantly surprised when he accepted my request to meet over coffee later that afternoon to talk about rural healthcare in particular and his campaign, in general. That meeting eventuated into a deep friendship that is now over four years in the making. What I observed then, and continue to experience,...
There are two legal options to respond to a state budget deficit: The governor orders across the board budget cuts, or a special session of the Legislature occurs liquidating the deficit. The first is a blunt instrument allowing no thoughtful response. The second provides the people’s legislative branch of government the opportunity to deliberate a more surgical response. Gov. Jay Inslee, however, has made it clear he doesn’t plan to call a special session to allow lawmakers to meet to bal...
When someone who has lived a long time dies, those who were close to them feel the loss, yet are able to look back on all that person has done and accomplished. When someone who is young dies, there is the pain of the loss, the separation, but also the pain of the loss of all that could have been, all the dreams, hopes and aspirations of a life that will never be realized. Yet another family in Whitman County is mourning this loss. It is a loss that never truly goes away. My husband's sister die...
I was surprised to find Mark Bordsen last week calling for President Trump to take charge of the COVID-19 shutdown and the countywide reopening from the shutdown. As I recall last April when Trump said he was going to use his federal powers to orchestrate the nation's virus response it was the Blue State governors Inslee, Cuomo, Newsom, Whitmer, et al, that essentially said, “no, you are not―that is our job.” They stated the 10th amendment gave that responsibility to them―not him. They charged that the President was trying to be a dictato...
As of this Monday morning, it is estimated that in the United States there is one case of Covid-19 for every 100 Americans. This would seem correct for the location of the "Freedom Rodeo," which was held in the "hottest" (most cases being found right now) location in our state. Two days for transmission involving 3,000 people. I hope Publisher Harnack is as enthusiastic about reporting on the possible outbreak of the virus as he was about the rodeo. Bob Curry, Endicott...
The news is totally composed primarily of the coronavirus (COVID-19). All sports events, fairs, livestock shows, rodeos, concerts and churches are being canceled for fear of getting this virus which only kills 1/2 of 1% of people infected by it (source: John Hopkins University School of Medicine, AP. Washington Post). Not as many or any more deaths than occurred due to Spanish flu, Hong Kong flu, Swine flu or many other diseases in the past. Realize people that Nancy Pelosi went to China in November 2019 and shortly thereafter this virus...
First let me begin by thanking Pam Lewison for all of her hard work. It’s people like her that have helped our country remain strong during this unprecedented period in our nation’s history. After reading Lewison’s article “Waste” last month, I’m disappointed that the meat industry’s scarcity narrative has trickled down even to the Palouse. Although the president of Tyson Meats warned of a nationwide meat shortage and meat prices rose by 4.2% in April, publicly available U.S. Meat Export Federation data shows that beef exports actually rose...