Serving Whitman County since 1877

Opinion / Letters

Sorted by date  Results 1863 - 1887 of 3750

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  • Frank Watson: Worthwhile Projects

    Dec 21, 2016

    Just imagine that some generous benefactor gave you $5 million with the caveat that it had to be used to benefit the world we live in. How would you spend it? My first reaction would be world wide health care. There are research projects for aids, cancer and other crippling diseases that are hamstrung by lack of funds. Organizations such as Doctors Without Borders do wonderful work. I have run across some of these people in my travels and can assure you that they are dedicated to providing health care in parts of the world that don’t have w...

  • Rich Lowry: The Party of Workers

    Dec 21, 2016

    In the course of a couple of tweets, Donald Trump may have ended the image of the GOP as the party of corporate America. After striking a Carrier deal to preserve about 800 jobs, the president-elect slapped the Indiana company Rexnord on Twitter for "rather viciously firing" its workers and then went after Boeing for ripping off the public on a $3 billion Air Force One deal. Just like that, and in less than 280 characters, Trump had established more distance from big business than the GOP had in a generation. In his frenetic way, he is forcing...

  • Bob Franken: Fake Comet Ping Pongs

    Dec 21, 2016

    Most people think of the mainstream media as the scum of the earth -- and most of us are -- but we do at least try to check out information before we go with a story. What a waste of time! Nobody trusts us anyway. Apparently, people prefer reports that don't bother with trivialities like facts. They choose to believe "fake news," so called because the stuff is not real. It's the figment of someone's imagination -- someone who is a looney-tune or has a profit motive or political agenda. In the warp-speed world of the internet, thousands upon...

  • Yes, Virginia

    Dec 21, 2016

    Eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Sun asking for the truth about Santa Claus because her friends were telling her he did not exist. The famous response written by Francis Pharcellus Church was printed as an editorial Sept. 21, 1897. VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or chi...

  • Don C. Brunell: Million Wreaths Across America

    Dec 14, 2016

    Christmas is a difficult time for anyone grieving for lost loved ones. It is especially painful for America’s military families whose son, daughter, spouse or parent was killed while serving in uniform. Normally, the fallen are remembered on Memorial Day, but thanks to a Maine family and more than 800,000 donors and volunteers, more than a million wreaths will be laid on the tombstones of our fallen soldiers, sailors and airmen on Dec. 17. The panoramic view of Arlington National Cemetery’s rolling hills with its white grave markers per...

  • Frank Watson: Standing Rock Protest

    Dec 14, 2016

    It looks like the weather will bring the protests in North Dakota to a halt – at least until spring. I have been trying unsuccessfully to make some sense out of the controversy, but I haven’t heard anything that says the pipeline is not a good idea. The United States uses more oil than any other country in the world. To fill our requirements, we have had to import crude from countries that are not always friendly. Some are downright hostile. Before we began development of the North Dakota oil fields, we were dependent on foreign sources for...

  • Letters Dec. 15

    Dec 14, 2016

    Transmogrify Friends and fellow citizens who are loudly advocating for the sanctity of the second amendment, remember, there’s a lot more to the Constitution that needs defending these days. It’s like the Ten Commandments, you don’t get to just pick the ones you like and ditch the rest. Let’s all keep our eyes on the ball and be sure our great democracy doesn’t transmogrify into an oligarchy or a kleptocracy. Too many have sacrificed too much. Steve Swoope, Colfax...

  • Rich Lowry: To Kill a Pipeline

    Dec 14, 2016

    One of the Obama administration's core competencies is suspending pipeline projects with no cause. It will leave office with another notch in its belt, now that the Army Corps of Engineers has acted to block a final piece of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The 1,200-mile pipeline is designed to move oil from North Dakota to Illinois and will have to await completion in a Trump administration with a more rational attitude toward pipelines specifically and fossil fuels generally. The story of the Dakota Access Pipeline will be familiar to anyone who...

  • Bob Franken: Winner's Revenge

    Dec 14, 2016

    Oh, the games the Donfather is playing. He does know how to take his pound of flesh. With Mitt Romney, for instance, he's extracting a ton. Donny the Avenger, who seems to be motivated by grudges, has been able to humiliate Mitt by making him grovel for the secretary of state job. And that was after he sent out his stalking horse Kellyanne Conway to say that making Mitt Romney his chief steward of foreign policy would be a "betrayal." Newt Gingrich, a stalking something else, ridiculed Romney for "sucking up." Their assignments from the boss se...

  • Trump takes on Boeing

    Dec 14, 2016

    The Boeing company has been tweeted down by President-elect Donald Trump. He took exception to the company’s work on a new generation of planes designed to carry the president and others. These would be the new Air Force One class of planes. Two of them are planned. They will replace the aging aircraft that have been in service since George H.W. Bush was president. New ones are needed. These are not average aircraft. They are equipped with massive amounts of electronics, sophisticated communications, defensive devices and in-flight refueling c...

  • Don C. Brunell: Removing Snake River Dams is Unwise

    Dec 7, 2016

    There are dams that should come down and those that shouldn’t. Hopefully, as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducts its review of the 14 federal dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers, that will become abundantly clear. Here is the difference. Demolishing the two dams on the Elwha River west of Port Angeles was a good thing. The dams were built in the early 1900’s to bring electricity to the Olympic Peninsula at a time when salmon and steelhead were plentiful in other Pacific Northwest rivers. Neither dam had fish ladders. On the Elwha, the i...

  • Frank Watson: Dam Logic

    Dec 7, 2016

    I have read several arguments against breaching our Snake River Dams. Some recently published here in the Gazette were excellent. They presented both the ecological and economic logic that would lead any rational person to conclude that the dams should stay. The problem we face, however, is that environmentalists are not rational. Anyone who has had any dealings with the EPA can testify that logic rarely gets in the way of their actions. My wife and I long dreamed of a waterfront getaway cabin. We finally saved enough for a down payment on our...

  • Letters Dec. 8

    Dec 7, 2016

    An open letter to Rep. Joseph Schmick Normally, a state representative would be celebrating the news; WA Parks just allocated 6 million dollars to make improvements right here in our own district. But I read in this paper last week that you’re going to try to stop that money from going through; you think it’s a mistake. You’re going to do your gosh darn level best to make sure Tekoa, Rosalia, Malden, Lind, Pine City, Ewan, Ritzville and all the other small towns you represent along the John Wayne Trail don’t get a chance to benefit from th...

  • Rich Lowry: History Strikes Back

    Dec 7, 2016

    President Barack Obama won't explicitly say that Donald Trump is on the wrong side of history, but surely he believes it. The president basically thinks anyone who gets in his way is transgressing the larger forces of history with a capital "H." In 2008, he declared John McCain "on the wrong side of history right now" (the "right now" was a generous touch -- allowing for the possibility that McCain might get right with History at some future date). Obama has returned to this phrase and argument obsessively. It is deeply embedded in his, and the...

  • Bob Franken: Going to College

    Dec 7, 2016

    Wow, what a surprise the Electoral College was! Who knew that a candidate could win the race for the presidency even though he didn't get a majority of the actual national vote, like Donald Trump did? Somehow, that possibility evaded all the advisers buzzing around Hillary Clinton, who constantly and smugly assured everyone that they were the modern experts with the superior grasp of data, so worry not about Trump defeating Clinton. They are the same ones who are now bitterly complaining about the unfairness of the Electoral College. Never...

  • No cupcakes there

    Dec 7, 2016

    It has been 75 years since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. With the signal, “Tora, Tora, Tora,” Japanese warplanes swooped down on the sleepy naval port. After the two waves of attackers finished their work, the U.S. Pacific fleet was devastated. Twenty ships were damaged or sunk. Hundreds of military planes were destroyed or damaged on the ground. More than 2,000 Americans were killed. That fateful attack galvanized the country. Up until December 7, the country resisted getting involved with the conflicts around the...

  • Don C. Brunell: Cheap Gas Fueling Petrochemical Expansion

    Nov 30, 2016

    In Washington, an abundance of low cost, reliable hydropower spurs economic growth. It is a key reason why energy intensive industries locate here. Today, our nation has a profusion of carbon-based energy. Unlike a decade ago when we relied upon imported natural gas and crude oil, fracking technology put us on the path to be the world’s largest producer of processed petroleum. While fracked gas and oil are a boom to America’s economy, they are a big problem for traditional oil rich nations like Saudi Arabia and Russia. The Wall Street Jou...

  • Frank Watson: Negative Campaigns Produce Negative Fallout

    Nov 30, 2016

    A few years ago, I was in the process of buying a new car, and the salesman in one dealership began telling me how poorly Fords were made. I listened for a few minutes and replied that poorly made Fords didn’t make me feel any better about his brand. Negative advertising didn’t work for me, and I don’t think it does for most people. Negative political campaigns, however, seem to be a different kettle of fish. The 1964 “Daisy Girl” ad, wherein the Johnson campaign alluded that Goldwater was a threat to start World War III, is credited with tipp...

  • Letters Dec. 1

    Nov 30, 2016

    Rail meetings Residents of Colfax, Albion and all of Whitman County have two opportunities for their opinion to be heard concerning the future of the idle rail line between Colfax and Pullman. Pullman Civic Trust and Washington State Department of Transportation are hosting a workshop in Colfax, Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. in the new Center, next to the Whitman County Library. A second workshop will be held, Thursday, Dec. 8, at 5:30 p.m. in the Albion Community Center. These workshops follow three sessions held earlier in Pullman. Bob...

  • Rich Lowry: The Muslim Registry That Wasn’t

    Nov 30, 2016

    The first thing to know about Donald Trump's alleged proposal for a Muslim registry is that it isn't a Muslim registry. This has been lost in a freak-out that has some brave souls already promising acts of civil disobedience to disrupt and overwhelm the prospective registry. The source of the fracas is a comment from Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Trump immigration advisor and (excellent) candidate for Homeland Secretary director, to Reuters. Kobach noted that the administration might reinstate a Bush-era program tracking visitors to...

  • Bob Franken: Pollyanna’s America

    Nov 30, 2016

    It's one of our country's most-endearing qualities. It's also one of our most-frustrating ones: We always look for the bright spot. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, all you American Pollyannas, but sometimes there is no silver lining. It's all cloud. A case in point is the election of Donald Trump. Many of you are running true to form, determined to be optimistic. It may have looked like a smile on President Barack Obama's face as he welcomed his successor to the White House, but perhaps he was really gritting his teeth when he...

  • There is a First Amendment, too

    Nov 30, 2016

    News media have been savaged recently. Particular vitriol has been leveled by President-elect Donald Trump. He has accused journalists of being liars, scum and low lifes, among other unflattering things. He has attacked reporters personally and has tried to discredit entire media companies, not to mention particular stories. His continued attacks have generated intense reactions from his followers and, in fact, many others. The credibility of many news outlets has been so routinely questioned that the damage to reputations may be long lasting....

  • Frank Watson: The Right to Protest

    Nov 23, 2016

    We in America not only have a right to protest, we have a long standing tradition. The Boston Tea Party was essentially a protest against British tax laws. Admittedly, it got a bit out of hand, went beyond “peaceful”, and destroyed some valuable property, (the tea). This early protest had a goal. The objective of the protesters was to convince the British crown to change their tax policy toward the American Colonies. Although the protesters became icons of freedom, they didn’t actually achieve their goal. The British crown retaliated with...

  • Don C. Brunell: Despite Our Turmoil, Americans Are Blessed

    Nov 23, 2016

    For some, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and give thanks for the blessings we enjoy. For others, it’s a time to volunteer at soup kitchens to help the less fortunate. For still others, it’s simply a chance to eat a huge meal and watch football. This year is different. Americans are healing after a historic, tumultuous presidential election. Therefore, it is easy to get sidetracked on what is wrong with our country. In reality, most Americans have no idea how fortunate we are. With the exception of military fam...

  • Letters: Nov. 24, 2016

    Nov 23, 2016

    Caregiving As a member of the Washington State Council on Aging, I write this letter because November is National Family Caregivers Month. The theme for 2016 is “Take Care to Give Care.” We in Whitman County work hard to take good care of our families. Caregiving can be rewarding but also physically and emotionally demanding. The stress of dealing with caregiving responsibilities leads to a higher risk of health issues among the Nation’s 90 million family caregivers. A significant objective of our care network should be to assist family careg...

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