A golf tournament at the St. John Golf Course followed Saturday and they had a dinner that night at Hill Ray.
Pictured in the first row are: Marilyn Skeate Closson, Spokane; Polly Parnell Anderson, Colfax, Marilyn Vannice Ray, Spokane; Sherry Schluneger Cox, Shelley Redmond Organ, Colfax; Shannon Caldwell Rhodes, Coeur d’Alene; Elaine Sarver Olsen, Spokane.
In the second row are John Aeschliman, Colfax; Eugene McCully, Clarkston: Julie Daubert Roberts, Colfax; Connie Repp Horton (hidden), LaCrosse; Penny Holbrook Gay, Colfax; Judy Carroll Rice, Sunnyside; Dorothy Brannan Harris, Colfax; Mary Ellen Johnson Darnold, Bend, Ore .; Janet Neuenschwander Hilty, Nampa; Mary Helen Barbour George, Cheney; Carol Stuart Fletcher, Genice Depew Brown, Spokane; Anne Pierce Lowe, Endicott; May Bontadelli Schultz, Mark Rubin, Colfax; Carol Brown Garratt, Vaughn; Garry Martin, Rockford; Ron Olson, Diane Lewis Rodeen, Colfax.
In the back row are: Roger Carson, Grants Pass, Ore .; John Perry, Barry Folsom, Colfax; Lynn Steiger, Silver City, N.M .; Bruce Faires, Edmonds; Ron Hull, Granger; George Wehnes, Lacey; Larry Kirkpatrick, Bozeman, Mont .; Larry Gunn, Colfax; Jim Holmes, College Place; Jack Helt, Gibsonia, Pa .; Jug Daubert, Colfax; Dick Raugust, Fairbanks, Alaska; and Mary Ann Sommerfeld Mitchell, Steptoe.
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