Serving Whitman County since 1877
Farmers registered with the Washington Department of Revenue for tax exemptions on agricultural materials can renew their permits for 2010, the state agency announced last week.
The exemption applies to farmers who purchase feed, seed, seedlings, fertilizer and pesticide to produce agricultural products on land they legally control.
Forms for the reseller permit are available on the DOR web site or at any DOR office. Farmers can take tax exemptions without having registered with the agency through the Farmers’ Certificate for Wholesale Purchases and Sales Tax Exemptions.
Jail inmates leave
$600 on the books
More than $600 in unclaimed cash is awaiting former inmates of the Whitman County jail. Published in the legal advertisements in this week’s Gazette is a list of names to whom that money is owed.
Jail Capt. Bob Ingalls said most of the former inmates are owed small amounts of money – often less than $2.
Money inmates have on hand when they are booked into the jail, money sent by relatives and money earned working is all kept by the county in the Inmate Trust Account.
Inmates then take out that money for purchases from the jail commissary, to make for co-pays on medical visits or for fees charged on work release.
Inmates have until Nov. 1 to claim their money or cash their checks. Unclaimed money will be put into the inmate welfare fund, which pays for extras like cable television service, newspapers and other items.
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