Serving Whitman County since 1877

Jail release request denied

A petition by Brandon J. Wagner, who is serving a year in jail on a child rape conviction, was denied Friday in superior court. Judge David Frazier told Wagner his petition amounted to a repeat of an earlier request, which was denied Aug. 28.

Wagner had sought release from jail to seek employment or a furlough to apply for bankruptcy. He had been denied a similar request earlier because work release privileges are not allowed to sex offenders.

Judge Frazier said the ruling of Aug. 28 decided the matter, and told Wagner any additional requests would have to be made to the appeals court.

Wagner, 27, Tekoa, was sentenced to the year in jail March 27 under a sexual offender alternative which allows a shorter sentence on condition the inmate undergo extensive treatment. Under a standard sentence, Wagner could have faced a minimum of 93 months in prison.


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