Serving Whitman County since 1877

BB Club turns out 30 quilts


Dusty B.B. Club met at the home of Janell Guske last Tuesday where they made 30 baby blankets for the free maternity clinic at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. Joining the group for the day were guests Alice Mackleit and Ann Hogue. Next month’s meeting will be Feb. 9, at 1 p.m. at the home of Rita Ackerman in Colfax. Helen Appel will present a program on container plants. Roll Call response will be questions on the subject.

Dick and Helen Appel attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Beth Wollstein, daughter of Barb and Bruce Wollstein, in Lacey, over New Year’s weekend. Other local family members who also attended the event included Eric and Shannon Appel and children, Neil and Tara Appel and children, Susan Appel and Lisa and Travis Frei and children.

The Country Bible Church’s annual meeting next Sunday, Jan. 24, after morning worship services, will be followed by a lunch of soup and dessert. Officers for next year will be elected during the meeting. All are welcome to attend.

Friday, Carol Kyllo had lunch with Ivy Brannon.

Sunday, Lucky, Joan and Desiree Myrick joined Larry and Di Brink to celebrate Larry’s birthday with birthday pie.

Linda Hennigar spent the weekend with her grandson Wesley Banks in Kennewick while his parents, Tami and Jay Banks, were gone.

Sunday, Kim and Cindy Pitts visited their daughter and family, Amanda and Erik Carlson and boys, in Spokane.

Art and Colene Sager attended funeral services for former Hay resident Chuck Curtis at the First Baptist Church in Lewiston Saturday.


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