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Pastor’s corner - The Lord’s Prayer. Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV)

Jesus gave this prayer to the disciples to teach them how to pray. “Our Father in heaven”: Our in the sense that He is the Father of all people. Everyone has equal claims to God as their heavenly Father.

“Hallowed be your name”: It is a reverent recognition of God’s uniqueness. We give to God that unique place that His nature and character deserve. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”: It is a willingness to submit our will to God’s will. It is a belief that He knows what is best.

This first section of the prayer involves recognition of God and a commitment to His ways. The second section involves requests for our own needs. “Give us today our daily bread”: This is a request for God to supply us with all the things we need for this moment. It recognizes our dependence on God’s faithfulness.

“Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”: It is a recognition that our forgiveness of each other and God’s forgiveness of us are interlocked. To posses an unforgiving spirit is to make us unfit to receive God’s forgiveness.

“And lead us not into temptation”: It is a request for God to keep us from situations that lead to temptation.

“But deliver us from the evil one”: It is a request for God to protect us from the seduction, deceitfulness, the attacks of the devil.

Let us learn from this example prayer and be a person who prays often!

Pastor Don Moore,

Colfax Church of the Nazarene


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