Serving Whitman County since 1877

Rosalia Lions host district governor

Rosalia Lions Club members hosted the District 19E Governors annual visit and dinner meeting at Rosalia Coffee `n More January 20.

Zone Chairman, Dennis Veltri, presented the Governor’s biography and formal introduction.

District Governor Robert Ekler of Nordman, Idaho, reported the status of a number of current Lions programs, the District E Spring Conference and the 2011 Lions International Conference which will be in Seattle.

Standing in back, left to right, are Ted Maxwell, Bob Hill, Don Brown, and Bill Widman.

Standing in the front row are Fran Maxwell, secretary/treasurer; Linda Pritchett, Tale Twister; Mike Day, Brittany Baugh, Rita Crowel with grandson Landon and Matt Solbrack.

Sitting at the table are Veltri, Ekler and his wife, Cheryl Ekler, and Rosalia Lions president Jim Nebel. Kneeling in front are helpers Sam Pritchett, Sadie Bierlein and Ben Pritchett.

Reminder: Christmas pictures are at Pittmann’s Town and Country. Please pick them up.


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