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Colfax: Levy failure sparks review
The Colfax School District’s Operations and Maintenance levy was not approved by voters last week. It was the first levy failure for schools in Colfax since 1970.
As a result, the Colfax School District is undertaking a review of the failed levy proposal. And, it is seeking the help of district patrons and taxpayers to help shape the new levy proposal, most likely expected in May.
Concerned citizens, administrators and school board members will kick off the review. All others are invited to participate as the process unfolds.
A series of meetings is already scheduled to share information and collect opinions.
The district needs to replace its current operations and maintenance income. This is the most basic need for the district. The district has long relied upon this extra community support. Usually, that goes without question.
This year there were complications. One was the fear of losing state funds. An attempt to cover these funds bumped the levy amount above traditional levels. Also, the district sought an increase in the basic levy amount.
The overall amount requested caused voter consternation, and ultimately the levy proposal went down in defeat.
At this week’s special board meeting, a small group of attendees looked for reasons for the failure. A number of reasons were suggested. Some blame was cast.
Yet, the most important suggestion was to take a look at the school district’s request from the ground up.
Local voters have always supported their schools. Despite the difficulties of the current economy and the desperate need for the state to come up with an affordable budget, the levy failure does not indicate a fundamental change in that support. It may only indicate a need for confidence that as others adjust to the times so does the school district.
Gordon Forgey
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