Serving Whitman County since 1877
OK, HILLARY, your dearest wish for many years has been to go down in history as a better president than Bill, so go for it. The current president is in such deep doo doo there’ll never be a better time than now.
Hand in your resignation as Secretary of State explaining that as a patriotic American you cannot honor a pledge not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries that are in compliance with the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty even if they attack us with biological or chemical weapons.
Appeasement and disarmament have never been in the U.S. playbook and shouldn’t be now. The president who swaggers around the world today, bowing and scraping to monarchs and dictators, is not the same man sold as a virtual messiah to politics.
The polls should soon show that Americans are just as displeased with his revamp of our nuclear strategy as they are about the monstrous Obamacare health reform bill. Nearly two thirds of Americans say the health care overhaul costs too much and expands the government’s role too far, according to a USA/Gallup poll.
THE METHODS used to pass the bill, which was not done with the “transparency” promised by the president was faced with disgust, an “abuse of power” by the Democrats, said a 53 percent majority. It’s difficult to remember when a bill as large as this and as complicated was rushed to passage before many had a chance to read it. Attorneys General across the nation are joining to challenge its constitutionality when it forces citizens to purchase health policies or face stiff fines.
President Obama announced his intention to open large areas of east and west coastlines for oil exploration. His intention is to reduce dependence on foreign oil but his proposal deals more with exploration and does not open up areas where it is already known there is abundant oil. I don’t think the people will buy it, the reasoning, that is. He also signed into law the takeover of higher education loans by the government, more moving into the private sector.
He has insulted our friends and hugged our enemies. One of the first things he did when he entered the White House was to pack up the bust of Winston Churchill loaned to us, and ship it back where it came from. Americans for the most part, I believe, are admirers of Winston Churchill. The only thing I’ve read that might explain his action is some moves made by Churchill in Kenya, which, Michele Obama said the other day, is his home country.
HE HAS VIRTUALLY thrown Israel under the bus for not kowtowing to his demands involving peace with Palestine. Better be careful, Barrie. Israel is the only country in the world most people expect will wipe out Iran’s nuclear capability.
The Dalai Lama got the bum’s rush when he came to the White House. The President said goodbye and trundled off to his home quarters to dine alone to avoid breaking bread with him. And who can ever forget that picture of the Dalai Lama being escorted out the back door past big black sacks of garbage there awaiting pickup?
As for the flap over Karzai saying if we continue being nasty to him he’ll join the Taliban, can’t the Obama administration recognize a joke? That was akin to the time President Reagan, waiting to go on the air for a Saturday message, joked and it went out to the world. “My fellow Americans, I am pleased to announce that I have signed legislation outlawing the Soviet Union. We begin bombing in 5 minutes.”
Run. Hillary, run.
(Adele Ferguson can be reached at P.O. Box 69. Hansville, Wa., 98340.)
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