Serving Whitman County since 1877

etc. - May 13, 2010

Rosalia ALS benefit

A benefit concert in memory of Neil Cook and all those who suffer from Lou Gehrig’s Disease will be Saturday, May 22, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Rosalia Performing Arts Center, the former Christian Church.

Jerry Myers and the Bothman Goodtime Band and The Shrine Dixieland Band, Strike Out will play.

Admission will be $5 or a donation of choice. All proceeds will go to the ALS Foundation.

Farmers market at Garfield

Garfield Farmers Market and spring plant sale will be Saturday, May 15, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in conjunction with the Garfield May Day Festival, and Sunday, May 16, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a plant and produce sale at the American Legion/Grange Hall, E. 211 Main, Garfield. Sub sandwich special will include salad, chips and drink for $4. The event is sponsored by Ladow Grange.

Hog heaven at Dahmen

Hog Heaven Big Band will play big band music from the 1920s to the 1940s May 22 at 7:30 p.m. This 16-piece band from the Moscow-Pullman area has been together for decades and has played at the Dahmen Barn since its grand opening in 2006.

Registration open for Pullman VBS

Registration is underway for Pullman Vacation Bible Day Camp, a cooperative effort of six churches. Churches involved in the June 21-25 camp are Concordia Lutheran, Pullman Presbyterian, Sacred Heart Catholic, St. James Episcopal, Simpson United Methodist and Trinity Lutheran. Camp activities will include music, worship, crafts, Bible encounter and small and large group activities.

Registration is open through May 31 at the churches for pre-schoolers and those entering grades 1-6 in the fall. Pre-schoolers must by four-years-old by Aug. 31.

Camp fee is $20 per camper with a $40 per family maximum. The camp will be at Trinity Lutheran Church. Camp meeting times for pre-schoolers are 9-11:30 a.m. and for older campers 9 a.m.-3 p.m. All campers will be dismissed June 25 at 11:30 a.m.

CUB shortens hours

Summer operating hours at WSU’s Compton Union Building began Sunday, May 10. The building will be open from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. on weekends. The CUB shortens its operating hours to account for fewer people on campus during the summer. Regular hours will resume Aug. 23.

Clubs & Youth Groups

Thrifty Grandmothers

At the May 10 meeting, the 16 members present were entertained by the Colfax High School choir. Each grandmother received a red rose from the group as a tribute.

Donations made since the last report included $250 to FISH, $500 to the HIV Consortium, $300 to Relay for Life, and $500 to the Junior Rodeo Association. The club also awarded $500 scholarships to 11 of the 38 applicants.

Thrifty Grandmothers will sponsor a team in Relay for Life. They will be treated to a luncheon at Hill Ray May 19 by the Chamber of Commerce.

Genealogical Society

Ruth Dorman, long time resident of LaCrosse, will present a program on the Oregon Trail at the meeting of the Whitman County Genealogical Society Saturday, May 15, 10:30 a.m. until noon, at Gladish Community Center. She will read entries from a diary kept by family members during their 1862 trip to Walla Walla.

Those attending are encouraged to bring their own family artifacts, stories and pictures related to the Oregon Trail.

Ruth has written about her home community in a book which will be available for viewing.


Sokoloski Cole son born

A boy, Michael Allen, was born May 7, 2010, at Whitman Hospital and Medical Center in Colfax, to Shelly Marie Sokoloski Cole and Joseph Allen Cole. Maternal grandmother is Debra Beddingfield, St. John. Paternal grandparents are Allen Cole, Las Vegas, and Eugenia Simms, Las Vegas. Weighing seven pounds at birth, he is the couple’s first child.


Friends of Whitman County Library recently honored Two Old Gals as Library Supporters of the Month. Owner Gracie Miller and manager Marie Webb were commended for their support of numerous programs and services.

All 14 branches of Whitman County Library will close Tuesday, May 18 for staff training.

Due dates for library materials have been extended in anticipation of the closure and no late fines will be charged.

The library will also be closed May 29-31 for Memorial Day weekend. Bookdrops and the website will still be available for requesting and returning materials.

Third Thursday Club for children in grades 1-4 will be May 20 from 3:30-4:30. Participants at “Play a Game” will enjoy fun games, crafts and stories. Bus #1 will drop students with a note from parents off at library.

TV Free Week signs 26 at Colton

Twenty-six children completed TV Free Week at the Colton Library. Each finisher received a free book for not watching TV for five of the seven chosen days.

Third Thursday program May 20 will be about plants. Children will create stocking men that eventually grow grass on their heads. Third Thursday begins at 3:15 p.m. and is for children in grades K-6 and their siblings.

Theme for Summer Reading will be Make A Splash, Read! All programs will have a water-based theme. Summer reading dates for Colton will be Mondays, June 14, 21 and 28 and July 5, 12, and 19.


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