Serving Whitman County since 1877
A new summer series, “Persons Unknown”, premiered Monday evening at 10 p.m. on N.B.C. Jaimie Reynoso, son-in-law of Blake and Carmen Heaton, is the director of photography for the series. His name appears on the credits at the end of the show.
Mother’s Day visitors of Dick and Helen Appel were Lisa and Travis Frei and Miriam and Rachel, Colfax. Deb, Bob, Jessica, Alyssa and Scott Stavig spent Memorial weekend helping Dick and Helen. Dick is recovering from knee surgery. Sunday, Susan Appel and Joe Lynch, Pullman, joined them to decorate graves in the Colfax cemetery.
Saturday, Larry and Di Brink, John Brink and Brandy Ahmstad and her family went to dinner in Lewiston to celebrate John’s birthday. Afterward, they attended a John Michael Montgomery concert.
David Moore, son of Steve and Carol Moore, graduated from Colfax High School this weekend. He plans on attending the UI next fall. Guests who attended graduation ceremonies included his grandparents, Don Moore of Colfax and Vern and Arlene Stambaugh of Hayden Lake.
Saturday, Art and Colene Sager and their granddaughter, Sarah Manning, who was spending the weekend, flew to LaGrande, Ore., for a Flying Farmers meeting. They also went to Hot Springs to an old resort that was built in the 1860s.
The Oregon Trail used to go right by it and pioneers stopped for some much needed bathing. In the 1900s, it became a town under one roof, the original shopping mall, complete with hotel and hospital. Its busiest time was in the 1920s when it was a health spa. After part of it burned in the 1930s, it began to go downhill. The new owners, who are trying to restore it, gave them a tour and lunch. Part of it is a museum and a bed and breakfast will open soon. They have a bronze foundry where the owner makes sculptures. He is the official sculptor for the John Wayne estate.
Brian and Angela Broeckel moved daughter Alex DeBell to Walla Walla over the weekend. She is employed by the Walla Walla Clothing Company. Aiding in the move were Zach Beasley, Waitsburg, and the Beasleys’ exchange student, Edmond Lai.
Vicki Broeckel and Michelle Carver attended the Farm Chicks sale at the Spokane Fairgrounds Saturday.
Sunday, locals who attended the Ed and Eileen Johnson estate auction included Dale and Vicki Broeckel, Darrel and LaRae Claassen, Steve and Fran Maki and Duane Steiger.
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