Serving Whitman County since 1877

Impact of new wind farm assessed

Whitman County Planner Alan Thomson officially determined Tuesday that First Wind’s proposed wind farm in north Whitman County would have a significant environmental impact.

Thomson’s ruling under the State Environmental Policy Act kicks off a 21-day period in which the public can comment on the company’s proposal.

First Wind has asked the county permission to erect up to 55 wind turbines on approximately 5,000 acres of land on Naff Ridge, west of Oakesdale and south of Rosalia.

Thomson’s ruling means the company will have to prepare a detailed environmental impact statement, or EIS, for the project.

First Wind offered to go through the EIS process when they submitted their application.

The public is invited to comment on what should be studied in the EIS.

Thomson directed the company to study the following issues: erosion, air quality, drainage and runoff, bird and ground animals, noise both during construction and operations, shadows, visual impacts, cultural resources, transportation needs and needs for public services.

Suggestions from citizens must be submitted to the county planning office no later than 5 p.m. Sept. 16.

After the comment period closes, the county will prepare a draft EIS, which will be sent out to all who requested one.


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