Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good old days - Oct. 21, 2010

125 years ago, October 23, 1885

Engine No. 33, drawing the pay car, collided with a "rubber" car at Diamond Tuesday and was disabled to such an extent that she had to be taken to The Dalles for repairs. One of the four rails on the "rubber" car penetrated the boiler of the locomotive and knocked off the mud drum. No one was injured and No. 26 took 33’s place.

Goude Bros. have re-opened their gun and machine shop in Potter’s new building, two doors north of this office.

Parents of the school children between Colfax and Almota who make a practice of swinging on the telephone wire in places where it is within their reach would oblige us greatly by requesting them to desist, as the working of the line is seriously interfered with in consequence.

John M. Stahl, the well known authority in agricultural matters, warns farmers that is not economical to use shrunken grain for seed. The conditions for growth must be very favorable if the crop even comes to the average attained by growth of plump grain under ordinary conditions.

R.L. McCroskey, a promising young attorney from California, has opened a law office in Pullman.

100 years ago, October 21, 1910

James Roberts was acquitted of any crime for shooting and killing Dell McConnell at Colfax on the Fourth of July. Jurors said they felt the boy should be punished for the shooting, but did not want to return a verdict of guilty, which would have laid the boy open to a penitentiary sentence of years.

Renewal of Wm. Schluting’s saloon license was refused by the city council at its meeting last Monday evening by a vote of three to two.

Mrs. L. Schmuck entertained the members of the Priscilla Embroidery club Tuesday in a very pleasant manner. Delicious refreshments were served to Mesdames Nelson, Chamberlain, Pattison, Larue, Vollendorff, Kincaid, Von Soehen, Ratliff, Willis and Kemper.

Registration for the coming election is the heaviest in the history of the city, having reached 704 when the books closed Tuesday evening. Pullman has a registration of 497 this year.

75 years ago, October 25, 1935

Completed at a cost of approximately $25,000, the new Roxy Theatre on east Canyon street, owned by F.C. and LaVance Weskil, will open to the public Saturday evening of this week for a three-day showing of "Alice Adams." The new house has a seating capacity of more than 400.

A mild earthquake, but believed to have been the most severe ever experienced here, shook many homes, particularly those in the south end, at 8:50 p.m. Friday, the same hour that Helena, Mont., was rocked by a violent tremble.

Heaven help the fellow who gets a sound crack over the head with one of those new billy clubs that the city police began carrying Friday. The new "night sticks," as they are called, are wicked looking weapons, made of the hard cocabola wood, and are about two feet long.

50 years ago, October 20, 1960

Firemen from Colfax, Steptoe and Albion battled to extinguish an attic blaze in the home of county commissioner Ernest Hall in Steptoe last Thursday. The blaze was confined to the attic, but only after it had rendered the house almost worthless. Neighbors of the Halls were able to save almost everything that wasn’t nailed down by moving furniture and household items to the lawn.

A total of 165 students were served a spaghetti and meatball luncheon on opening day of the Colfax High School cafeteria, which opened this week for the first time. Also included on Monday’s menu was a tossed salad, hot rolls, milk and ice cream. Hot dogs, potato salad, peaches, graham cracker sandwiches and milk was the second meal served.

Carloads of wheat are moving out of Whitman County by rail at a rapid pace this week, officials of the Great Northern and Union Pacific railroads reported today. UP agent Lyle Aiken said about 40 carloads are being moved out from stations at Colfax, Glenwood, Mockonema and Diamond. Edward Scott of the Great Northern said 25 carloads have moved out of Steptoe and Manning Stations.

25 years ago, October 24, 1985

A Yamaha stereo unit, reported missing Oct. 12 from the Garfield school, was recovered Tuesday from an Endicott-area home by Deputy Alvin Colvin. The stereo was valued at about $1,000.

Pine Creek Club met at Bernita Harp’s home in Belmont, where Mrs. Helen Felkner gave a program on handmade wooden toys, planters and novelty items. Her husband makes the wood gift items and she brought in several items to show and told the club how he had become interested and how his hobby continues to grow.

10 years ago. October 19, 2000

Whitman County commissioners voted down four of five requests from commissioner Hollis Jamison to designate $342,500 in next year’s budget for future computer and maintenance needs.

A state traffic highway engineer has reported they have checked out a request for a right turn lane from Highway 195 northbound lane at the Cedar Street intersection and decided the addition would be unsafe. Colfax Chief Barney Buckley was asked to check out the possibility of a lane as part of a city council discussion on moving the speed zone at the intersection which is at the bottom of Buck Canyon grade.

Tekoa, Oakesdale, Colfax, Uniontown, Garfield and the Whitman County Business Development Association will make pitches next week for a share of $100,000 in economic development grant funding. The funding comes from .08 of 1 percent of the statewide sales tax.


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