Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good old days - Nov. 4, 2010

125 years ago, November 6, 1885

A stallion valued at $500, belonging to M.J. Sexton, was stolen from that gentleman’s stable a mile north of town last Monday night. The thief took a northward course and was followed by a couple of deputies, who had not returned Thursday noon, from which it is inferred that they are following a warm trail. The horse, jaded by hard riding, returned to his stable Wednesday, looking considerably worse for his jaunt. It is a pity the horse can’t talk.

The Colton cheese factory was attached and closed by creditors this week. We understand that a settlement will be made and operations resumed shortly.

A big crowd was in Garfield Saturday to attend the race. Rondo won by two rods. Several hundred dollars changed hands. The general opinion seemed to be that the best horse came out last.

The building on the corner of Mill and Spring streets, to be occupied by A.E. Kirkland as a blacksmith shop, is nearing completion.

This office has in the hands of its printers a book containing the names addresses, brands and marks of some five hundred stock owners of Whitman County.

100 years ago, November 4, 1910

Lester Blane, convicted of murder in the second degree for the killing of James Syley, has sworn to a charge of selling liquor on Sunday against Chas. Kuntz and Frank McGuire, saloon keepers at Palouse. They were arrested and have given bonds in the sum of $300 each.

Bert Anderson of Malden was arrested the first of the week on a charge of attempted rape of a six-year-old girl. He is now in the county jail.

A rather small and not very enthusiastic audience attended the Republican rally at the courthouse last Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John McCaw entertained members of the Aloha club and their husbands at a Hallowe’en party at their home on south Main. Numerous contests furnished amusement for the evening’s entertainment. One amusing incident was that of kissing the Blarney stone. One contestant, being blindfolded, in attempting to locate and kiss the stone, kissed the top of a professional man’s head which, strangely enough, very closely resembled the stone in point of smoothness.

75 years ago, November 8, 1935

By breaking the door window on Last Street and releasing the night lock, one or more thieves got into the Cram Motor company’s garage Monday night and stole property valued at $40. The loss was one hot water car heater and 12 cans of Prestone anti-freeze.

Jim Ryan is about to rearrange his Shamrock Cafe kitchen to include all electric equipment, including a waffle iron, French frier, toaster and range, and is also making improvements at his home by building an additional room and installing a furnace. A fireplace, he says will come later.

Virgil T. McCroskey has given a five-year lease on the building formerly occupied by the Elk Drug store to Stone’s Food Store, Inc., a chain grocery with headquarters in Spokane.

An accumulation on top of the pipeless furnace in the basement at Lane’s Thrift store ignited Friday afternoon, the flames leaping through the register in the store floor. Buckets of water were used to extinguish the blaze upon arrival of the fire department.

50 years ago, November 3, 1960

Linda Camp’s horse was rescued Sunday afternoon from a 16-foot cistern on the Ira Scott place south of LaCrosse by the combined efforts of “half the town.” The derrick from Olmstead’s Pump and Pipe finally lifted the animal out of the hole where he had stood since breaking into the enclosed area.

Free chest X-rays will be given at St. Ignatius hospital in Colfax each Monday during November as a service by the Whitman County Tuberculosis Association.

One Colfax youth and two former Whitman County youths won important posts in student elections at Washington State university last week. Larry Kirkpatrick, 1959 Colfax graduate, was elected president of the sophomore class. Mike Lowry of Kennewick, a former Endicott boy, was elected president of the senior class. Tom Robideaux of Spokane, former Colfax resident, was elected to the executive council.

A group of 4H members met at the Dusty BB clubhouse Thursday evening to organize a riding club.

25 years ago, November 7, 1985

A meeting to begin sorting out the problem of crediting local blood donations to Whitman County patients hospitalized in Spokane is planned Nov. 12, according to Penny Gay of Colfax, Red Cross blood drawing chair. Blood donated at Colfax blood drawing is sent to the Snake River Regional Blood Center in Boise. Spokane has a separate blood bank that serves only Spokane.

A man wearing a ghoul mask grabbed over $100 in cash Halloween night from the cash drawer of the Country Corner Cafe in Rosalia.

An old-time Hooper Halloween costume party and potluck along with a bridal shower for Tammy and Skip Stansbury was Wednesday at the Hooper Hotel.

10 years ago, November 2, 2000

The Asphalt Paving Association of Washington named the Endicott Road from Huntley Road north of Diamond to Ochs Road the best paving project in all of eastern Washington.

A shot of Butch Booker’s barn north of Colfax with its “Save Our Dams” banner, will be shown on a “60 Minutes” episode later this month that will feature a segment on Snake River dams.


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