Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters - Nov. 4, 2010


In response to Tracy Milano’s letter, I would like to state the following points:

1. I don’t agree with many of Mr. Farr’s “actions”.

2. Is this what we want to teach our children? If you “dislike” someone, just publish your top 10 reasons why. With today’s access to social networking sites, this could have a devastating affect on our children who may be targeted by hateful attacks such as yours.

3. Do we also want to teach our children that they are not responsible for their actions? When they are disciplined by a parent, teacher, employer or law enforcement, they should accept the consequences of their own actions. Punishment should be accepted gracefully and not be contradicted by having a party thrown for them.

4. With every letter you write (to the editor) you seem to be adding to the reasons why “every other resident of Palouse has good cause to dislike” Tracy Milano.

5. Is this what we mean by “Positive Palouse”? I sure hope not!!

Jon Fleischman, Palouse

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