Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters - Nov. 25, 2010

Hunting response

This letter is in response to an article in the Gazette titled "Hunting violations said on the increase in county." The reason for this letter is for the one quote by Fish and Wildlife Officer Bob Weaver.

He says that hunting game from inside your car is unfair to the animal.

He then goes on to say "that's just plain cruel.

It's an unsportsman-like way to hunt." I don't know if part of the interview was edited or not but that quite cast a broad net and for me as a hunter with disabilities, I was offended by it.

Officer Weaver, I wished I could go down in the canyons like I used to, but I can't.

That is the reason for the disabled hunter program.

I've had a great relationship with past Fish and Wildlife officers in Whitman and Asotin Counties and for someone who takes his hunting, fishing and outdoor activities very seriously, that quote was very offensive.

I am not an unsportsman-like hunter.

I would enjoy meeting and maybe having a cup of coffee with you sometime.

I'm in the phone book.

John Hobbs, Pullman


"County Netters Dig Up Trophies At State VB," says the Nov. 18 Gazette front page teaser headline. In the issue, there's well deserved written and photo coverage about Colfax, Colton and Tekoa/Oakesdale high school state tournament volleyball successes. The Gazette decision not to include Pullman High's state volleyball tournament success Ñ its second in a row state championship Ñ is disappointing. Pullman is coached by David Weitz, a 1985 Colfax High School graduate. Currently working in Pullman in farm management, he is a 1990 finance graduate of Eastern Washington University.

Tim Marsh, Pullman


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