Serving Whitman County since 1877

Rosalia Chamber sponsors lighting contest


Rosalia Chamber of Commerce will again sponsor the annual house and business lighting contest. Prizes for first, second, third and best decorated block in Rosalia will be judged Saturday, Dec. 18. Winner’s signs will be posted.

Dr. David Hanrahan will be the honored guest judge. Hanrahan resides in Palm Springs, and previously judged at the Rose Bowl Parade. He will be visiting the Spokane area these few weeks.

Tekoa/Oakesdale/ Rosalia footblall players were honored at a dessert Nov. 23 in Oakesdale.

Special awards were presented to Craig Nelson, freshman of the year; David Littleton, most improved; Payton Boxleitner and Jesse Johnson, uncommon Nighthawk award; Earl Gains, most valuable player, Riley Schell and Scott Eberle, most inspirational.

All league players for the SE 2B league were Gains, Schell, Eberle and Lance Lindgren.

Coach Ken Lindgren gave a recap of the season, and Mike Day of Rosalia presented the team and cheerleaders with recognition plaques.

The Rosalia Community Food Drive is on now through Friday. Donations can be dropped off at the school or at several collection boxes set up at businesses across town. The school will collect the food in a bus Friday afternoon and take it to the Catholic Church, where volunteers will divide donations into bags for the families in need.

The Winter Festival Dec. 4 showcased Santa Claus at the Pittmann Town and Country Store. Many children visited Santa and had pictures taken. Hot cider, cookies and other delicious goodies were enjoyed by the participants.

Shoppers also enjoyed the Christmas Craft Show and other businesses during the Winter Festival.

Snow wreaths adorned the businesses in town. The wreaths are an annual project of the Chamber.

Rosalia Boy Scouts placed and decorated the community tree at the US Bank.

Rosalia Lions Club members decorated the town with Christmas pole lights and the Community Christmas card board.


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