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The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson, Arizona, last weekend has ignited a national search for the reasons behind the tragedy. The investigation already involves more than just the incident itself.
The shooting, of course, may simply be the result of an angry, deranged person acting out his own demons.
Immediately, however, the vicious and hysterical nature of our national political rhetoric was blamed for agitating the shooter and driving him to such a horrible act.
Also, the availability of guns in this nation was cited as a root cause. The shooter easily purchased a handgun just weeks before he went on his rampage.
A part of the developing search, too, is the scarcity of mental health services in the nation. Lack of awareness about such illnesses is a part of the problem, experts say. Warning signs abounded that the shooter needed help. Yet, he reportedly received none.
All these may have been contributing factors in the shooting. None of these should be ignored. For the time, there is no definite causal relationship between these and the shooting, but all three possible contributors should be considered and discussed.
There is no question that political rhetoric has become vitriolic. Politicians and the public have drawn lines in the sand that separate them from their political opponents. As an example, accusations over the cause of the tragedy have already taken a partisan tone.
There can be no question either that firearms are readily accessible in the country. This has long been a national issue, and the debate will surely ramp up. Few topics are as emotional.
New to the national consciousness will be a discussion of mental health care. This may be the crux of the problem.
The tragedy has attracted even the attention of President Obama, who was scheduled to speak in Tucson Wednesday.
Nothing good will come of this tragedy, unless all parties, including the general citizenry, remain open minded and concerned about answers and solutions rather than rigidly casting blame or blindly maintaining long held positions.
Gordon Forgey
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