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Pastor's corner - Look at life from God’s perspective

This meditation is based on Matt. 5.1-12

The Beatitudes (“The Message”)

In the beatitudes Jesus lays out eight principles for gaining true happiness.

These points appear to contradict everyday assumptions – both then and now.

Here’s what happened.

Having recently chosen his disciples, Jesus had just begun his ministry.

This wise teacher was quickly gaining in popularity, and he was attracting large crowds.

And there, by the Sea of Galilee, in the quiet of the grassy, rolling hills of Northern Israel, Jesus delivered a powerful sermon.

The crowd before him represented a cross section of humanity, and yet as different as they were, Jesus knew that they were all on the same quest for fulfillment.

Every one of those folks wanted exactly what you want today.

They wanted happiness.

More than riches or glory, the multitude sitting on the hillside wanted happiness for themselves, for their children and for their grandchildren.

But there was a problem. Their society in general (as well as ours?) did not have a clue as to where people might find true happiness. Day in and day out they were told that real happiness came from one’s outer circumstances. Society’s beatitudes read like this: “Blessed are those who win the lottery.” And “Happy are those who have a palace in the city and a refuge on the water.” Jesus contradicted all those assumptions when he told those gathered before him that true happiness came from within. Happiness, he said, has more to do with your relationship with God than it has to do with your relationship with what society values most.

Most of those folks felt in their heart of hearts that they truly deserved to be blessed.

They deserved perfect health and a great job.

God really did owe them a perfect marriage and perfect kids.

But listen to what Jesus had to say to them: “You’ll find true happiness when you’ve lost all that is most dear to you.

Only then can you truly be embraced by the One who should be most dear to you.” Societies have always liked winners, go getters, the one who makes it to the head of the class.

Listen to what Jesus has to say.

“You’ll find happiness when you know that you are truly blessed by God in those very times when you find yourselves at the end of your rope.

With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” In society’s eyes, righteousness is for suckers and losers.

It’s better to get a good education than to be righteous.

“Get your head out of the clouds and get a good retirement plan” is their suggestion for the dreamers.

But listen to Jesus.

“You’re happiest when you’re content with just who you are, no more, no less.

That’s the very moment when you find yourself to be the proud owner of everything that can’t be bought.” We are all aware that our society is becoming increasingly obese.

Here’s what Jesus has to say on this topic.

“You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God.

He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.” And we all hear the suggestion to watch out for “number one.” This is how Jesus sees it: “You’re truly blessed when you care.

At the very moment of your being “care full,” you find yourself cared for.”

Here’s the bottom line of the Beatitudes. Don’t allow yourself to be entrapped in the quicksand of what society thinks. The world has gotten it all wrong. Instead, be concerned about what God is thinking about you. The key is to look at life from God’s perspective and not from society’s perspective.

Rev. Bob Ingalls, pastor

Malden Community Congregational Church


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