Serving Whitman County since 1877

Dusty count increases


The population of Dusty has increased to a whopping 18 citizens. Graham Stanly was born at 6:47 on Friday, Feb. 4, to Kurt and Jill Reddig. He arrived seven weeks early and weighed in at four pounds, 13 ounces. He joins big sister, Savannah.

Warren and Connie Horton recently returned home from spending two weeks on Maui in the Hawaiian Islands. At the end of their vacation, they were surprised to run into Ed and Joan Broeckel who had just arrived to celebrate their anniversary for a week. The Broeckels had spent their honeymoon on Maui and Oahu 30 years ago.

David and Phyllis Stueckle spent two days in Olympia last week attending the Farm Bureau’s Legislative Days.

Jon and Li Ochs recently returned from New Denver, B.C., where they visited Jon’s cousin Dick and Barbara Callison and many friends. They enjoyed attending the winter Boogie which featured live music and dancing. They reported a lot of snow there made it nice to come home to no ice.

Blake Heaton was back in the hospital Friday and Saturday. He passed out at home due to low protein and potassium levels. He’s back home now and doing fine.


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