Serving Whitman County since 1877

etc. - Feb. 10, 2011

Variety show set Feb. 13 at Palouse

The 14th annual P.E.O. Variety Show will be at The Palouse Arts Council’s Grange Building on Bluff Street, Sunday, Feb. 13, at 2 p.m.

Local performers will entertain with their music, poetry and dance. This year’s “Secret Agent” theme will provide a fun finale by the P.E.O. crew.

Refreshments will be provided during intermission with the chapter’s famous giant heart cookies on sale.

Admission will be $5 for adults and $3 for children under 12 and $15 for families.

All proceeds benefit scholarships for area high school students. Chapter IO of P.E.O. has gifted more than $12,000 for local scholarships since 1994.

Historical Society plans Ice Age Flood tour

Whitman County Historical Society will sponsor a weekend tour May 14-15 to explore the Ice Age Flood Trail in Eastern Washington. A geologist will be part of the tour group, according to Dan Leonard, tour group leader.

The bus tour will include the Channeled Scablands, glacierterminal moraine, haystack rocks and Grand Coulee Dam. Following a buffet lunch, participants will travel along Banks Lake to Dry Falls, then down the Lower Grand Coulee and on to Moses Lake. Stops for the second day will include Potholes Reservoir, Palouse Falls, Lyons Ferry and areas of the Snake River Canyon where the flood waters backed up all the way to Lewiston.

The trip is available to all interested persons at a cost of $185 per person, single occupancy. This contribution covers bus transportation and lodging. Meals, incidentals and gratuities will be a personal expense. The fee will be discounted for members of the historical society. For more information, contact Dan Leonard before April 8.

Blood Drawing set at library

A mobile collection unit from the Inland Northwest Blood Center (INBC) will be at the Colfax Library Wednesday, Feb. 16, from 2 to 6 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling the library or online at Walk-ins will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis with photo I.D. required. Donors should drink plenty of fluids and eat a meal at least two hours prior to arrival. Those under 18 must have an INBC permission form signed by a parent or guardian.

Gilbert & Sullivan slated for Princeton

The catchy tunes of Gilbert and Sullivan come alive Feb. 25 and 26 in Princeton, Idaho, as a group of community actors debuts “A Gilbert and Sullivan Review.” Music and dancing from The Pirates of Penzance and HMS Pinafore, will highlight the show. The Friday night performance is at 7 p.m., with a 2 p.m. matinee Saturday. Both shows will be at the Princeton Nazarene Church.

“Todd and I have this thing for Gilbert and Sullivan,” said Rebecca Payne, who is co-producing the show with her husband Todd. “We loved the Mikado, but decided on these two for our opening performance.”

They live in Tensed and met while studying drama and literature at George Fox University in Oregon. Since then, they’ve settled in the area and have participated in some of the area theater groups. This marks their first venture in the Potlatch area. Their four daughters will sing and dance in the show. The majority of the cast is from the rural Moscow area.

Tickets will be available at the door for both performances, and advance ticket locations will be announced in the future. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for kids under 12 and free for kids under 5.

Concert Chorale offers auditions at St. Boniface

Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale, conducted by Michael Murphy, invites vocalists to audition for solo opportunities in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christ lag in Todesbanden and Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms.

Soprano, alto, tenor, bass and boy soprano auditions will take place the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 27 at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Uniontown. Please come prepared with rhythms, notes, and language. For more information, email Dr. Murphy To arrange an audition time, contact Janice O’Toole.

michaelm@uidaho. edu.

otoole3@inlandnet. com.

Musaiique at Dahmen

Musaiique will play jazz, swing and pop with jazz rhythms at the Dahmen Barn in Uniontown Saturday, Feb. 19, at 7:30 p.m. The group performs music inspired by the early jazz era. Formed in 2007 by local musicians with diverse musical interests, they have performed at the Spokane Folk Festival, Moscow Farmers’ Market, One-World Cafe, Patty’s Kitchen, and Eastside Marketplace.

Clubs & Youth Groups

Cub Pack 419

Pullman Cub Scouts Pack 419 annual Pinewood Derby was at Pullman Christian School Jan. 28, 2010, with more than 35 cars in the event. The four finalists in the race were Kyle Gleason, first place; Timmon Friel, second; Andy Simanson, third, and Cort Nelson, fourth. The top two winners will compete at the district Pinewood Derby later in March. Pack 419 represents boys from Franklin, Sunnyside and Pullman Christian Elementary Schools and is sponsored by the Pullman Lions Club.

Athenaeum Club news

Dorla Dean Scholz presented a program on roses following the Feb. 4 meeting. She described the history, propagation and many enjoyments of roses. Of special interest was the development over nearly 25 years of the Peace rose, which was named to commemorate the conclusion of World War II.

Mae Schultz, president, conducted the short meeting with Lois Scholz and Pauline Gebhardt each giving accounts of current events. The president also circulated a paper so that members could sign up for committees for the coming year. Those not present are asked to call the president and volunteer.

Hostess Denise Huber provided a tea table serving after the meeting.


Robinson daughter born

A girl, Holly DeAnn, was born Jan. 31, 2011, at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, to Jeff and Kristi Robinson. Maternal grandparents are Tony and Linda Buergel, Rosalia. Paternal grandparents are Lonny Ellis, Oakesdale, and Sally Schrenk, Arizona. Weighing eight pounds, five ounces. at birth she joins siblings J.J., Rachel and Danny.



WSU Museum of Art will showcase the talents of Seattle artist Claudia Fitch in an exhibition from Jan. 13 to April 2, “Claudia Fitch: Works 1987-2010” will feature sculptures created by the artist to play with images from popular culture, including vernacular architecture and decorative statuary. Fitch works intuitively from what she calls a “junk pile” of visual materials culled over the years.

Fitch has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the University of Washington and a master’s of fine arts degree from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia.

UI Prichard Art Gallery exhibit: “John Wood, On the Edge of Clear Meaning” Feb. 21-April 9. A visual studies workshop traveling exhibition.


A contribution jar for the Colfax Arts Council’s H’Art of the Palouse Banner Competition is currently located at the Colfax Library. People are encouraged to add interesting items, things like gift certificates, acrylic paint, brushes, candy, toys, or any items you believe the winning banner artist might enjoy.

Youths in grades 1-4 are invited to “Science and Weather” at the Colfax Library Thursday, Feb. 17, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Kids may ride bus #5 with a note from parent to enjoy stories, crafts, games and more. No need to sign up or pre-register for this free monthly event.

Children ages 3-8 are invited to the Prince and Princess Tea Party at the Colfax Library on Wednesday, Feb. 23, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Children are encouraged to dress in their favorite princess or prince-charming wardrobe for a tea party with games, singing, stories, crafts. To make a reservation, call Sheri or Nichole at the Library. Space may be limited.

Whitman County Library Board of Trustees will meets Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 4 p.m. in the Colfax Library.

All branches of Whitman County Library will close Feb. 20 – 21 for President’s Day.


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