Serving Whitman County since 1877
February is a great month to remind ourselves to stay upbeat. We celebrated Valentines Day Monday, and it is national heart month. February also comes toward the end of winter, and it can seem like a long way until spring.
Everyone knows there are many wonderful things associated with having a positive outlook. Studies have shown positive people are healthier, live longer and recover from life’s setbacks more quickly.
Here are five ways you can help yourself stay upbeat.
1) Try to react to everything in a positive way. Remember that you may not control your circumstances but you always control how you react. If you choose to react positively, you will think more upbeat and spread cheer in the world.
2) Surround yourself with upbeat people. Contradict the old saying, “Misery loves company.” When you are down, don’t seek out whiners and complainers – run toward upbeat people.
3) Exercising is a fantastic way to stay upbeat. Getting your blood flowing by exercising increases your energy. When you have energy, you think positive. Low energy makes you a negative thinker. When you finish exercising you have a sense of accomplishment and that makes you upbeat too.
4) Organize your life. A cluttered lifestyle leads to a cluttered mind. Clean up around you and organize everything. Sort it, then either throw it out or store it in an organized way. You will feel more upbeat immediately.
5) Smile and laugh more. Try smiling right now and see how it makes you feel. Then laugh. You can’t help but feel and think positive when you smile and laugh.
David E. Womack, CEO
Whitman Hospital & Medical Center
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