Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters - March 17, 2011

Positive aspects

I am a Rosalian — Yes me, the Clerk/Treasurer with the English accent. I am Irish and proud of that, but I am also proud that I have an American passport because my Dad was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. My Dad was in the American Army for 22 years and was awarded a Silver Star for his service in Vietnam fighting for the American dream.

I am proud of who I am and where I came from. I am proud of the town I live in and, for the most part, of the people with whom I share this Town.

Unfortunately, there are some people who claim to love the Town of Rosalia, yet they continually attend our Council meetings and compare us to Spokane. We are not Spokane and we never will be, so I encourage those voices to focus on the many positive aspects of life in a smaller town.

Kerry Bourke, Rosalia

Enough is enough

Let’s all stop ruining one of the best things we have in our community. We are all accountable for what we do and say and respect is followed by respect, despite all the negativity in our club. We need the community and they need us.

Our purpose is donations, scholarships, community funds, school supplies, donations for any and all needs people have.

All of this at the expense of the Thrifty Grandmothers Club, the place that keeps many families living like they should with nice clothing, sports equipment and much more they wouldn’t be able to afford for their family. That’s what we are about, not the Pet Peeves and Okeydokes.

Our club song “Bless Be the Tie That Binds our Hearts in Christian Love” is what we need to get back to. Everyone can’t run the show. That’s why we have a board of directors. Instead of taking it, they need to take it back and we need to give them back control. Changes at the shop lately have been done outside the board and the club as a whole.

My plea to the community is to ignore all the pet peeves (that’s not the real name of our club). Please continue to give back to your community by donating to our patrons and your friends. Without you, the club would not exist, because you need what we offer and we need you.

I am angry and sad that anyone would put what we stand for in jeopardy, especially the ones who have lost sight of who’s in charge and what we represent.

Let’s all together (yes, even the hired man in back) prove to these people we will not go down without a fight.

Enough is enough. We are all equal.

Proud to be one of the Thrifty Grandmothers,

Vickie Simpson, Colfax


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