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Hospital seeking new CEO

The Whitman Hospital board will start sorting through applications for the hospital’s future CEO in the next two weeks. Applications have started to come in from around the nation in the search conducted by Providence Health Care, which has a management contract with Whitman Hospital.

“We think in the next four to six weeks we’ll have people here interviewing,” said Denise Fowler, Chief Clinical Officer for the hospital.

Former CEO David Womack resigned in early May to take a job in Bakersfield, Calif.

Tom Corley, liason with Providence for the hospital’s management contract, is serving as interim CEO.

Fowler said Providence will narrow the initial pool of applicants and provide a list of finalists to the hospital board. The final four candidates will then visit the hospital, meet with the board, physicians, nurses and other staff members.

Providence has the CEO job opening listed on three hospital association web sites, the Providence web site and several online sites.


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