Serving Whitman County since 1877

Hooper News 7/14/11


A large dinner and 4th of July celebration was in Hooper. Many out-of-town and former friends and family arrived home for the celebration, including Alex and Linda McGregor of Pullman, Andy and Sue McGregor of Port Orchard, Mary McGregor and John Bolles of Moscow, David, Beth, Ethan, and Leah McGregor of Maui, Hawaii, Allison McGregor of Seattle, Andy and Sue McGregor of Port Orchard, and many others. A large potluck barbecue was on the hotel lawn followed by a superb fireworks show.

Anna May Tobin and her sister Mary White, who is here visiting for the summer, attended a reunion of the Price family the last weekend in June at the Washtucna home of daughter Cathy Blankenship. Attending were siblings and their families from Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Minnesota, Wyoming and Washington. After the reunion, their brother Gary Price and his wife Dorothy traveled to Hooper and visited for several days.

Pat and Howard Morris traveled to Badger Lake July 5 to visit former Hooper residents Dale and Helen Mays.

Conly and Betty Merrit travel to Fox Island for a reunion of Betty’s family, July 9-11 at the home of frequent Hooper guests Wayne and Cathy Randle and her mother Louise. Over 80 family members attended over the weekend.

After the reunion Betty and Conly were joined at home by Betty’s mother, Elenor Iten, and her sister, Judy Hammer and husband Bill, of Fort Jones, Calif., and Betty’s niece Shannon Kelley and her husband, Mike and daughter Katrina. They will be staying for several days.

Carla Danielson traveled to Vancouver June 28 to spend a few days with her son, Tim Mock and his family. She returned with granddaughter Ali, who spent eight days with Keith and Carla at the Hooper ranch. While visiting, Ali traveled to Pomeroy to see her great- grandparents, Hugo and Carlene Pawlik, enjoyed a potluck and the Hooper fireworks, and celebrated her 6th birthday.


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