Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Old Days

125 years ago

August 20, 1886

During the six month in which the 5 cent squirrel scalp bounty was in force from Feb. 1 to July 31, about 357,000 scalps were presented, 238,890 being received during the last three months. Coyote scalps to the number of 195, at $1 each, were also received.

Bleeker, Spencer & Hoare’s new Mill street brick, the largest structure of the kind in the city, is now receiving the finishing touches.

Wheat Wanted-the undersigned, having leased the warehouses of J.B. Tabor and N.G. Matheny, at Wawawai landing, Snake river, respectfully solicits the patronage of parties having grain. My rate of 75 cents per ton and prompt shipment will realize the farmer 6 cents per bushel more than delivery at the railroad.

75 years ago

August 14, 1936

Former Colfax resident Harold Love was found head down in 25 feet of water on Minnesota’s Whitefish Lake. He had been fishing alone and was believed to have died of a heart attack. He was 31.

Justice of the Peace George A. Weldon fined himself for breaking bonfire ordinance after forgetting that bonfires always require a permit except during “clean-up” week each year. The judge went to his office, held a court for himself and fined himself one dollar and costs.

Gordon Klemgard announced his candidacy for state senator with an ad that said, “No Platform – No Promises – No Regrets. Just a desire to serve the people of Whitman County to the best of my ability.”

50 years ago

August 17, 1961

“Sugar” is just about as sweet as her name, says Judy Taylor of Colfax, because “Sugar” is a deodorized skunk!

Sister Claudia, who comes to Colfax from Great Falls, Mont., has replaced Mother Brendan as administrative head of the St. Ignatius hospital. She assumed her new post Tuesday.

It seems there were more friends and neighbors that came to the rescue of Gary Kendall, Palouse, who was unable to man the harvesting on his parents’ place because of a recent auto accident.

Nearly $2 million in long term credit was extended to farmers and ranchers in the Palouse country by the Federal Land Bank Association of Colfax-St. John during the fiscal year that ended June 30.

25 years ago

August 14, 1986

Farmers, lending agencies, implement dealers and the business community wonder what the future holds for Whitman County as the farm economy continues a downhill slide. While most agree the farm economy here does not compre with other hard-hit farm areas such as the mid-west, all can see signs of struggle.

Palouse Main Street, including about 25 buildings in the core business district, has been named to the National Register of Historic Places, according to Leonard Garfield at the state historic preservation office.

The Palouse Empire Fair Board received final word that the grandstand bond initiative will appear on the ballot and settled some of the pre-fair issues at its last board meeting.

10 years ago

August 16, 2001

A search which led to the discovery of 230 marijuana plants at a house in Malden led to a discovery the next day of a methamphetamine cook operation in Oakesdale.

After serving as Garfield principal for 10 years, Bev Fox was named superintendent for the Garfield-Palouse school district. It was the Rosalia High graduate’s 28th year teaching.

Members of various communities brought 26 combines and 18 trucks to the David Swannack farm to help the injured man with harvest. Swannack had been hurt in a motorcycle accident. The helpers harvested a thousand acres of wheat and barley in eight hours.


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