Serving Whitman County since 1877
125 years ago
October 15, 1886
John Mullan, builder of the famous road which bears his name, now residing in Washington City, is visiting the scenes of former exploits and passed through this city Friday last. We acknowledge a pleasant call.
Last Sunday afternoon at about 4 o’clock C.M. Cole was shot down in the streets of Palouse by Mark Lennon. The quarrel grew out of some idle talk that occurred the day before in the saloon of the wounded man. Cole first struck Lennon in the mouth with his fist. The latter then drew his revolver and shot Cole through the left arm. Cole then attempted to escape, but was shot through the back and again through the same arm, when he fell from the effects of his wounds. The wounded man was taken to his home where an examination was made by his physicians. It is said he will probably recover.
Mr. Standley is talking of putting in a telephone between Uniontown and Colton, thus connecting that lonely hamlet with the metropolis.
A.H. Butler of Almota was one of a party of hunters and fishers who passed through the city this week en route home from the northern woods. Together, the party bagged 2 deer, one antelope, one cougar and 200 pounds of trout.
100 years ago
October 13, 1911
By the end of this month, the new county farm on the Almota road near Colfax will be ready for occupancy by the poor who are now on the old county farm at Elberton. The interior of the building is finished in Oregon fir and pure white plaster which, with the large windows, give the interior a cheerful appearance. The second floor will be devoted entirely to the inmates and contains several large sleeping and lounging rooms, a hospital room, sun parlor, bath room and a padded cell. It is estimated the building will comfortably house 25.
Road Supervisor John Bloom is furnishing the county prisoners with tobacco and they are again at work after a several days strike. After the prisoners struck, Bloom tried to hire men to continue the road work but found it impossible and decided to furnish the prisoners with tobacco rather than to have the work stop.
Mrs. Nina Lamb drew a bounty of $5 from the county for killing a wild cat Aug. 31, one of just two pelts presented to the county auditor last quarter.
75 years ago
October 9, 1936
It is likely that Colfax will not vote in the general election on the question of the sale of liquor in this city as brought up by the local option petition signed here. Of 389 signatures, 29 were deemed invalid by City Clerk S.M. McCroskey and deputy auditor Mrs. Louise Woods. That left the petition 12 names short of getting on the ballot.
The dining room at the Colfax Hotel has been reopened and is now running on full schedule. Miss Evelyn Lawson is the new table attendant, and William Peterson, well-known cook of Pendleton, has been secured to act as chef.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wheeler, residing just outside Garfield, have sued the city for $6,000, claiming the sewage system of Garfield, which empties near their residence, impairs the value of their property.
50 years ago
October 12, 1961
A barn on the Ben Stueckle place about four miles from Colfax on the Palouse highway burned to the ground during the noon hour last Friday. Lost were bales of hay, a truck and some general repair equipment. Flames ignited a second truck parked outside the building. A fertilizer spreader and some tires on the adjacent land were also lost.
City crews hope to finish next week the lowering of water and sewer mains on the North Flat in preparation for the flood control work project, superintendent Louis Carson said this week.
25 years ago
October 9, 1986
Whitman County police could use proceeds from fines charged drug offenders to investigate future drug cases if county commissioners pass an ordinance allowing them to do so next Monday. The sheriff, Pullman and Colfax police departments and the WSU police have agreed to share those funds.
Empire South, the Deutz-Allis franchise in Colfax, will move its operation to Spokane after Nov. 1 to consolidate with Empire Machinery Company.
10 years ago
October 11, 2001
Colfax Fire Department’s 1921 pumper truck, known as Wimpy, was moved to Whitman County Growers flathouse on Island, where it will be stored until a new building is finished across from the fire station.
Lamont Grange will meet next week with a potluck dinner. The Grange is in the process of closing because of lack of interest. Members of the state grange will be at the meeting to advise members on the procedures for closing.
A $50,000 bail was set for a Pullman man after he was arrested and jailed under suspicion he took as much as $5,000 in cash from a safe in his neighbor’s home on the Pullman-Moscow Highway.
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