Serving Whitman County since 1877
Michael D. Cox, 52, Albion, has been summoned to appear in superior court Dec. 16 after theft charges involving alleged fraud of the state Department of Labor & Industries were filed Monday in superior court by Susan Sackett DanPullo, an assistant attorney general. The filing included a 12-page report by Matt McCord, an investigator for the department.
McCord’s report alleges Cox received 24 payments totaling $39,718 from L & I from December of 2007 to March of 2010. The three theft charges filed by DanPullo allege different time frames for the payments.
McCord’s investigation report alleges the department obtained video footage of Cox working on construction of a house behind where he lives in Albion. It notes the videos show Cox doing “facile agile series of delicate maneuvers on a roof” which is determined to be in contrast with the broken and bent man who had appeared before medical examiners.
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