Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good old days

125 years ago

December 31, 1886

The Opera hall is gaily decorated with evergreens and tissue paper for the firemen’s ball this evening. Tickets to trip the light fantastic are $1.50.

A miner who had not been shaved for thirty years was operated upon at one of our barber shops last week.

DePencier’s heavy truck team are irresistible when they take it into their heads to run away, as was the case Friday. They struck out for the stable, demolishing a few awning posts en route and barely missed trampling a small team under foot. A runaway team of that caliber gives tone to this exhilarating pastime.

It costs 24 cents a word to send a telegraph from Colfax to England.

Gen. A.P. Curry has very cordially consented to be present and assist Garfield in the organization of a G.A.R. post. There are a number of boys there who wore the blue. A charter membership of about 15 is expected.

100 years ago

December 29, 1911

Conductor Jack Wright refused to pull out of Colfax with his passenger train at 9:45 o’clock Christmas night because he had several boisterous passengers who would not heed his advice to keep still. In response, Deputy Sheriff J.B. Eastep soon ejected four men. The task was strenuous as the lady friends pulled one way while the deputy pulled another. As soon as they were on the ground, two of the men ran away. One was later captured. The next morning the three men pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place and were each fined $25 and costs by Judge Doolittle. The party was supposed to have been on their way to Winona to attend a dance.

Invitations have been sent out by the Ewan Business Men, Farmers’ Union and Foster-Snell Company, all of the new town of Ewan in the northwest part of Whitman County, to an open house to be given at Ewan hall on New Years Day.

The Endicott Orchestra has been organized with seven pieces - piano, cornet, trombone, two violins, bass horn and cello. They were on the program Christmas eve at the M.E. church and will assist the choir in Sunday evening services hereafter.

75 years ago

December 25, 1936

Santa distributed boxes of candy and nuts under the bank building to some nine hundred youngsters after they came from the Roxy theatre, where manager LaVance Weskil gave his annual charity matinee, the admission to which amounted to an estimated 1,000 pounds of foodstuffs which were turned over to the Red Cross. The Leisher band played Christmas music from their sound car.

J.A. White, timekeeper, issued Wednesday checks amounting to $140 to nine men employed on the north Flat sidewalk and drainage project under the WPA. It was the first pay day since the work started. Sixteen men are now employed, of whom five are from Steptoe and two from Pullman.

Through the efforts of Walter Neubrech, deputy game protector and trapper for the state, eight beaver have been trapped in the vicinity of the golf course. The pests were doing considerable damage to the trees near the tees of the third and fifth holes.

50 years ago

December 28, 1961

The recent election of Harold Powell to the chief’s position in the Colfax volunteer fire department put the local plumber at the top rung of the “fire ladder” and ended a “climb” that started when Powell was six years old during the years his father, Dave, was chief. In 1926, six-year-old Harold was elected department mascot. He held the title until he was 12. When he turned 18, he became a permanent member of the firefighters and has served continuously since.

One of the many casualties of the wind storm that struck Whitman County last week - along with roofs all over - was a radio tower on Almota Hill owned by the state highway department.

25 years ago

December 25, 1986

Does Colfax have a speed trap image? The mayor, police chief and Chamber of Commerce president are a little concerned about images and agree they and residents they have spoken with are more concerned with safety.

“Nobody in town seems to be complaining,” said Police Chief Barney Buckley.

Mayor Leonad Riedner said he has received a number of letters, particularly in reference to an ambulance that was ticketed for traveling 56 miles per hour downtown Nov. 4.

While the ambulance was not stopped, identification was noted and the driver was later ticketed by Officer John Bibler.

Councilman Tom Kneeshaw said he has heard little or no complaints from residents, but has said letters to the editor in area newspapers are advising people not to stop or shop in Colfax.

Robert Osborne, who was born and raised in Colfax, has been signed by the CBS television network to join the cast of their new “The Morning Program” which makes its debut nationally Jan. 12. He will host features on news in the entertainment industry, primarily from the show’s New York studio, but also from locations such as Hollywood.

10 years ago

December 27, 2001

Whitman County commissioners announced Monday they will not be raising property taxes for 2002.

Fourteen towns in Whitman County are among those listed throughout the state to receive grants for updating plans and regulations under the state’s Growth Management Act. The total going to the towns will be over $54,800.

Lamont Middle School presented their annual Christmas play last week. A large crowd enjoyed “A Christmas Carol” based upon Dickens story. The Scrooge brothers were played by Megan Gaffney and Dane Standish.


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