Serving Whitman County since 1877

Word on the street

Winter has arrived and brought with it the annual epidemic of colds and flu. Do you have any secret, homespun remedies for the afflicted?

Dan Goodwin, Colfax

“Not really. When I get a cold, I just take the stuff off the shelf. But I make sure to take twice the recommended dosage.”

Sharon McKeirnan, Colfax

“Not really. I just take cough drops and try to get some sleep.”

Jake Ortman, Colfax

“I take a glass of orange juice and load with Emergen-C and Airborne. Then I chase that with a bunch of Nyquil. If that doesn’t get me to work, I shouldn’t be standing.”

Blake Moore, Spokane

“Lots of Nyquil and lots of sleep.”


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