Serving Whitman County since 1877


• It was beloved American humorist Will Rogers who made the following sage observation: “You can’t say civilization don’t advance, for in every war they kill you a new way.”

• Elkhart, Ind., has the dubious distinction of being the RV capital of the world.

• According to a survey by the magazine Vegetarian Times, if you’re a vegetarian, you have 3 percent of the U.S. population for company. Only half of 1 percent of Americans are vegans, consuming no animal products at all, while 10 percent say they follow a “vegetarian-inclined” diet.

• According to the law in the town of Chester, England, if you catch a Welshman within the city walls after the sun has gone down, you may shoot him with a longbow.

• Those who study such things say that the asteroids are so rich in minerals that one cubic kilometer of one of these heavenly bodies would provide the materials to make enough steel to supply the world’s industry for more than a decade, with more than a century’s worth of nickel, to boot.

• If you’re like half of all Americans, you live within 50 miles of your childhood home.

Thought for the Day: “If you live to the age of a hundred, you’ve got it made, because very few people die past the age of a hundred.” — George Burns

(c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.


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