Serving Whitman County since 1877
Rosalia Garden Club
Rosalia Garden Club will meet May 2 at Penni Barringer’s home in Rosalia with Mary Rattenbury co-hostess for the 1 p.m. dessert. The program will be “Jewelry made from Plant Materials” by Joyce DiGiovanni of Coeur d’Alene. Necklaces, bracelets, and other accessories will be shown along with techniques in making them.
Guests are welcome, but they are asked to contact the hostess before the Wednesday meeting.
Rivers Edge 4H
The Colfax River’s Edge 4H club met Friday January 13 to see two example demonstrations and receive 4H pins. They discussed building a game as a group project.
The club met again February 18, and everyone did demonstrations and some built games.
Next meeting will be April 28 at 9 a.m. at the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds. —Dominic Treis.
Athenaeum members and many friends gathered at Whitman County Library for annual Guest Day.
Della Evans from Hooper was introduced and presented the program. With many of her personal books she explained the importance of putting in print the stories of our families for future generations. Personal stories, recipes and picture books were displayed.
The Athenaeum High School Contest this year is art. Cheryl Lothseich explained the background for studying history of many famous artists. Contest winners displayed their paintings and winners were given their prizes. Honorable mention, Hanna Knaack. Third prize, Taylor Lange. Second prize, Jordon Sharp. First prize, Deanna Aeschliman.
Everyone was impressed with the outstanding talent.
The Year Book committee served refreshments to conclude the program.
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