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This is a hammer

Plan Now for Emergencies

Q: I wanted to write and remind your readers to have a plan in place in case of natural disasters.

I live in a hurricane-prone area, so I keep what I call a “hurricane kit” ready at all times.

It’s stocked with first-aid supplies, food, water and other items that I can grab and throw into the car in case my family needs to evacuate.

I also know the location of important papers so I can grab those, too.

And I reserved a corner of my garage to store post-hurricane supplies like tarps, a generator and basic tools.

I learned to do all this several years ago when a Category 3 hurricane passed through my town, but not until after the storm.

Now I’m prepared before the storm.

— Curtis F., Orlando

A: Thanks for reminding us all, Curtis! Organization is key to surviving during and after a natural disaster, fire or other calamity. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

—Prepare your family for the most likely scenario depending on your geographic location: hurricane, tornado, blizzard, wildfire, flood or other event.

—Learn about and prepare for household emergencies, including fire, a gas leak, carbon monoxide leak, etc.

—Create an escape plan and rehearse it with your family.

—Create an evacuation kit that includes important papers, food, water, first aid, blankets and other essential items.

—Include pets in your plans! Add pet food and medicines to your evacuation kit, along with a copy of their vaccination record and license. And keep their carry crate accessible.

—If you must shelter in place during a disaster, designate your home’s safe spot (basement, central room, closet or bathtub, for example), and make sure everyone knows to get there quickly.

—Create a post-disaster supply stash that includes several tarps (to cover damaged roof areas or create temporary shelter), a generator, canned foods, water and first aid, and store in a reinforced area if possible. Store gasoline away from the house at all times.

HOME TIP: The University of Missouri offers a free disaster plan template. Download it here:

Send your questions or tips to [email protected], or write This Is a Hammer, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

(c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.


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