Serving Whitman County since 1877


1. INVENTIONS: Who invented Lincoln Logs building blocks in 1916?

2. SCIENCE: What is the symbol for the chemical element tungsten?

3. MOVIES: How many von Trapp children were represented in “The Sound of Music”?

4. COMICS: Which comic strip features a character named Jon Arbuckle?

5. MEDICAL: What is the more common name for the involuntary spasms know medically as singultus?

6. U.S. STATES: A resident nicknamed a “sooner” would live in which U.S. state?

7. GEOGRAPHY: What state capital is located near the Kennebec River?

8. AD SLOGANS: What car company features advertisements that say “Drivers Wanted”?

9. GAMES: In what country did the modern game of badminton originate?

10. LITERATURE: What was the name of the caretaker’s cat in the “Harry Potter” book series?


1. John Lloyd Wright, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright

2. W

3. Seven

4. “Garfield,” the cat’s owner

5. Hiccups

6. Oklahoma

7. Augusta, Maine

8. Volkswagen

9. India

10. Mrs. Norris


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