Serving Whitman County since 1877
Colfax Sunday will be part of the Pullman Regional Artwalk under the Sunday Drive for Art theme.
Palouse, Uniontown and Rosalia are also participate in the Pullman Artwalk 2012.
Colfax Arts Council will display street banners produced by Colfax and area artists for the annual street banner competition which wrapped up its fifth year. Banners will be on display along their street mounts and at the Hamilton building next to the library.
The library will feature a Rural Heritage exhibit and the work of Anna Brewer and Jerry McCollum from 1 to 5.
Colfax City Hall will have an open house from 10 to 4 with an historic photo display and a “Colfax Past, Present and Future” presentation from 3 to 4.
The Chamber of Commerce will feature an open house in their new location at 120 S. Main. Quilt creations by Judy Imler will be on display.
Hill-Ray Plaza will feature a local version of “top chef,” a regional competition in the art of food. Dinner reservations for the “ultimate dinner buffet” from 1 to 3 can be made by calling Donna Holberg at the Hill-Ray by Saturday.
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