Serving Whitman County since 1877

OVIC suit not on docket

The suit filed to challenge Whitman County’s commitment for the stateline shopping mall project, which was one of the key topics in the Aug. 7 primary election race, has not yet advanced to a trial date. Pullman Attorney Tim Esser filed the suit Jan. 23 against the county and Hawkins Companies, the site developer. Esser filed the suit on behalf of OVIC, the Organization to Void Illegal Conduct.

Members of the OVIC group donated funds to Art Swannack, who led the returns primary night in the district one commissioner race. Commissioner Greg Partch, who led the county in upping its commitment to Hawkins to $15 million, finished third in the race and was stopped short in his campaign for a fourth term.

Seattle attorney Dale Johnson filed a response to the civil suit on behalf of Hawkins and Spokane Attorney Milton Rowland filed a notice of appearance after he was signed by the county to serve as a special attorney in place of Prosecutor Denis Tracy. Judge John Strohmaier of Lincoln County has been appointed to preside over the suit.

OVIC supporters were at the elections office when the first count results were announced Aug. 7.


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