Serving Whitman County since 1877



Attention Whitman County voters: The ballots for the Primary Election are counted and a minority of the minority moved their candidates to the general election. Yes, an unimpressive 40% of registered voters took the time to cast a ballot!

Since 60% of you did not vote, please do not complain about the status of our governmental officials. My plea is to cast a ballot in the general election by November 6, 2012.

Your citizen in disgust.

Donald C. Orlich,



The Food Stamp Program originated in the late 70’s for people who were struggling and 1 in 50 signed up. There were people who were too proud to apply! Now we have 1 out of 7 who receive food stamps. Why did we have the big change? Fewer people have pride and too many started families before they could afford children.

I remember the last part of the depression and the rationing during the Second World War. People survived by canning and cooking. People had an ample supply of food because they baked and used nutritional food like beans, peas, lentils and rice. Microwaves were not available, and prepared foods were scarce.

I have looked at the figures for food stamps and there is no reason that people can’t live on what they receive if they shop, use coupons and be thankful that they live in the United States.

The people who benefit from food stamps and the various other food programs benefit from the fact that their food comes from the farm program. Twenty per cent goes to the farmers and the eighty percent goes to welfare. That’s how our government hides the truth.

Our present administration appears to have a goal of raising the number of people who are dependent on “Uncle Sugar.” People who start families before they have the skills and maturity to get and hold jobs to support their families are being irresponsible! We have too many people who have a dependency problem!

Gerald Ray,



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