Serving Whitman County since 1877

Adele Ferguson

Okay, since we are a little over a month from the election, and that’s all anybody talks or writes about, let’s test you on memorable quotes:

1 “It’s time to put aside partisanship, stop telling lies and start telling the truth.”

2. “You know, do me a favor. Could you say senator instead of ma’am? I worked so hard to get that title so I’d appreciate it.”

3. “I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

4. “It’s hell. I can’t stand it.

5. “Barack Obama is the least prepared of any president we’ve ever had.”

6. “I think he was being kind of a dick.”

7. “You are fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you.”

8. “There has probably never been a time in the history of this country when we more urgently needed to get a president out of the White House before he ruined the country.”

9. “President Obama needs to get his priorities straight. What he needs is to cancel his planned interview with David Letterman, cancel his meeting with Beyonce, cancel his meeting with Jay Z, and instead agree to meet with the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, because, you see, America and Israel have a commonality of interests.”

10. “(They) have a few wealthy people out there trying to buy the White House for Romney.”

11. “(Obama care) is a giant, total fraud, purposeful, intentional...We can’t count on the Supreme Court to uphold the bill to make it work.”

12. “What am I going to tell my kids? Their father is not a demon, their mother is not a home wrecker and Elizabeth was not a saint.”

13. “(President Obama’s) whole case these days is basically asking us to forget what he promised four years ago and focus instead on his new promises. But here’s the question. If Barack Obama’s promises weren’t good then, what good are they now?”

14. “Mitt Romney enjoyed a sterling business career at Bain.”

15. “We both know President Obama would fight for the middle class. President Romney would not.”

16. “The Romney campaign has to get turned around. This week I called it incompetent, but only because I was being polite. I really meant rolling calamity.”

17. “Look, the world looks at the events going on. They don’t see these events as bumps in the road. These are lives. This is humanity. This is freedom.”

18. “Stupid and arrogant”



Barack Obama.



Barbara Boxer, D-Ca.


Barack Obama.


Democratic strategist Pat Caddell.


Michelle Obama, when asked how she liked being First Lady.


MSNBC commentator Mark Halperin about the president’s speech.


President Obama in an aside to French president Nicolas Sarkozy.


Columnist Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institute.



Michele Bachmannn, R-Minn.,former presidential candidate.


Obama campaign chief David Plouffe.


Rush Limbaugh.


John Edwards’ girlfriend Rielle Hunter.


GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.


Bill Clinton.


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.


Wall Street Journal columnist columnist Peggy Noonan.


Mitt Romney on Obama’s referring to violence in the Middle East as bumps in the road.


Republican Weekly Standard editor William Kristol on Romney’s saying he didn’t have to worry about getting the votes of the 47 percent of Americans who don’t pay federal income tax.

(Adele Ferguson can be reached at P. 0. Box 69, Hansville, Wa., 98340.)


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