Serving Whitman County since 1877

Dusty BB club set to celebrate Christmas


The Dusty B.B. Club will meet next week Thursday, Dec 13, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Parish Hall in Colfax at 9 a.m. to decorate for the B.B. Club Christmas party. Roll call will be favorite family Christmas food. Rita Ackerman is hostess. Friday, Dec. 14, the Christmas party will be open for arrivals at 6 p.m. Dinner will begin at 6:30. Members are asked to bring a hot dish and a choice of a salad or dessert. Santa will be there so bring a gift for each child and also a gift for the women’s exchange.

Linda Hennigar attended the wedding of Shaine Gunderson and Brittany Chambers at the Schweitzer Event Center in Pullman Saturday. Shaine is the son of Jeff and Wendy Gunderson and the grandson of former LaCrosse residents, David Gunderson and Ann Hennigar Butler.

The Rev. Sue Gunderson performed the marriage ceremony.

Friday evening, Karen Broeckel joined the Nolan clan in celebrating sister Jeanette Nolan’s birthday. Others at the Fireside Restaurant in Pullman were Cliff Nolan, Greg, Gwen and Jason Nolan and Ken, Pam and Zach Beasley.


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