Serving Whitman County since 1877

Gordon Forgey

Washington is looking at increasing penalties for driving under the influence.

A working group meeting this week mulled over a number of ideas that could cut down on drinking and driving.

Some of the ideas under consideration include lifetime driving bans for repeat offenders, decreasing the threshold for felony convictions, greater use of interlock systems on automobiles and more active roadside checks.

A sticking point in the discussions is money.

The state cannot undertake massive new plans and programs. Increased penalties would lead to more incarceration and the need for more jails, and the state is still suffering under projected deficits.

The talks are just about drunk drivers. Not considered in the discussions are the numerous other dangerous driving habits.

An explosion of accidents due to distracted driving have marred the state’s and nation’s highways.

For years, drivers have been accused of putting on makeup, reading books and indulging in other unsafe practices such as two-fisted eating.

Now, distractions are more pernicious. Many drivers text while behind the wheel. This has become epidemic, with adults as guilty as younger drivers. Digital maps, videos and cell phones also distract drivers dangerously.

Drunk drivers are a danger, and any impaired drivers should be kept off the roads, whether that impairment is from alcohol or drugs. Yet, there are new and equally dangerous distractions that impair a driver’s attention and alertness. These should be taken as seriously.

Gordon Forgey



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