Serving Whitman County since 1877
St. John
The SJE football team is looking for opportunities to raise money to attend football camp. Contact Coach Steve Selk at St. John High to arrange for lawn work, yard work or other tasks.
With the St. John stockshow now completed, 4H and FFA kids, headed up to the Spokane Junior Livestock show for a week. Lambs and swine sold Sunday, and beef sold Monday.
St. John lunch and learn will be Monday, May 13, from 11:30 to 1:30 at the St. John library. Horticulturist Donna Hanson will talk about low maintenance landscaping.
Nile luncheon and fashion show will be May 18 at 11 a.m. in the community center. Call Grace Miller for more information.
Country Cuzzins Garden Club yard of the month award went to Floyd and Joyce Morasch.
St. John Community Club is looking for new volunteers to help with year-long events. Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Denton Building. Contact Amanda Webb.
Neil and Kim Nelson are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this week.
St. John townwide yard sales are slated June 1. Pick up forms at the library or call Lori Loomis or Amy Watt. Entry cost is $10 to cover advertising.
St. John Fair and Stock Show
4H and FFA results
4H Swine: Erik Hughes, Grand Champion; Ellie Tollet, Reserve Champion; Market: Ellie Tollett, Grand and Reserve Champion.
4H Steers, Fitting and Showing: Riley Lamb, Grand Champion; Lance Mills, Reserve Champion; Market: Dustin Broeckel, Grand Champion; Beau Brown, Reserve Champion.
Lambs, Fitting and Showing: Owen Swannack, Grand Champion; Kate Lyden, Reserve Champion; Mary Kate Willson, Grand Champion; Clara Okeefe, Reserve Champion.
Market: Ryan Willson, Grand Champion; Clara Okeefe, Reserve Champion.
Goat Fitting and Showing: Owen Swannack, Grand Champion; Nathan Naught, Reserve Champion; Hannah Herrington, Grand Champion; Carman Swannack, Reserve Champion.
Market Goat: Owen Swannack, Grand Champion; Leah Swannack, Reserve Champion; Leah Swannack also got Grand Champion for Fitting and Showing in goats.
Beef Market: Lane Hannas, Grand and Reserve Champion; Fitting and Showing: Lana Hannas Grand Champion; Rowdy Brown, Reserve Champion.
FFA Swine Market: Grace Morgan, Grand and Reserve Champion.
Swine Fitting and Showing: Devan Bafus, Grand Champion; Marshall Bafus, Reserve Champion.
FFA Sheep Market: Hanna Herrington, Grand Champion; Carmen Swannack, Reserve Champion.
FFA Sheep Fitting and Showing: Carmen Swannack, Grand Champion; Hanna Herrington, Reserve Champion.
FFA Goat Market: Carmen Swannack, Grand Champion; Hanna Herrington, Reserve Champion.
FFA Goat Fitting and Showing: Hanna Herrington, Grand Champion; Carmen Swannack, Reserve Champion.
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