Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good old days

125 years ago

May 18, 1888

One of the timbers in the bridge crossing the Palouse at the foot of Main Street gave away on Tuesday while a loaded truck was passing over. The bridge settled about a foot at the point where the break occurred. The bridge is closed up and teams to and from the depot are compelled to ford the river, which is low, until the break is repaired.

Capt. J.A. Ewart, officer of the day at the G.A.R. encampment to take place at Colfax, would be pleased to receive a loan of needle guns belonging to the county from persons having them in their possession. He will receipt for them, and return after the encampment.

A party of about fifty Odd Fellows and others comprised the excursion made to the summit of Steptoe on Friday. All are profuse in their praises of the Palouse country as seen from that lofty eminence. The foundation for Cash-up Davis’ hotel on the summit is completed. The contractors are pushing work on the building which is expected to be completed and furnished by July 4th.

100 years ago

May 16, 1913

One hundred and eighteen teachers wrote in the regular May examination held in this city Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week. Eighty of the number were regular applicants, 13 wrote for renewal of certificates, and 25 who hold accredited papers took examinations in the state manual. The examination was conducted in the Methodist church the first two days and the last day in the superior court room. This is the second largest class that has taken the examination in the history of the county.

The Bon Boniere has opened its soda fountain for the accommodation of its patrons and is now prepared to serve hot and cold drinks and ice cream.

It was unintentional on the part of the Colfax team, yet it happened that in the 8th inning of Sunday’s ball game a home run by Hupp of the visiting team brought two men across the plate and won the game for Oakesdale by a score of 3 to 2, which of itself indicates that it was a real ball game. Up to the time of the “accident,” the score was 2 to 1 in favor of Colfax, and no batter had a look-in afterward. Two hits, including the home run, were made off Moss, pitcher for Colfax, while four hits were marked up against the Oakesdale pitcher. Few errors were made.

75 years ago

May 13, 1938

St. Ignatius School of Nursing graduated eleven students at exercises in the high school auditorium Thursday evening. They were Marie Hopkins, Vina Sevdy, Barbara Peterson, Helena Delegianes, Loretta Dufresne, Cathryne Rudy, Dorothy Smith, Melba Hibler, Lillian Jergensen, Elizabeth Schmidt and Sadie O’Rourke.

The horseshoe pitching contest between Colfax and Spokane scheduled here for last Sunday was postponed on account of the recent death of Ralph Downs, secretary of the Spokane Horseshoe Club. A ten-man team is expected to be at Schmuck Park next Sunday to compete against the locals. The games will start at 10 a.m.

In an advertisement for Penney’s in Colfax: Flour sacks, seven cents; pillow cases, 10 cents; men’s work gloves, 47 cents; child’s soft elk oxfords, 47 cents; wash frocks in new crisp prints, 33 cents; special purchase of unusual rayon, printed frocks, $1.98.

50 years ago

May 16, 1963

Friends, neighbors, businessmen, cattlemen and Cow Belles will converge on the Lehn Brothers ranch near Farmington to honor Bert and Dick Lehn and their families as the Whitman County “Cattlemen of the Year,” and to inspect their spread. The two families farm a 2,750-acre ranch and at the present time have 226 head of Herefords that have complied an enviable number of championships at three of the top shows in North America.

Colfax Jaycees placed third in competition for the Mearns T. Gates award given to the most outstanding Jaycees club in towns of less than 10,000 population, and was one of the 10 clubs receiving a health award for setting up the mobile food bank last fall.

More than 200 seventh and eighth grade girls are expected to attend the grade school play day for western Whitman County schools at Endicott Friday. Girls will attend from LaCrosse, Endicott, St. John, Hay, Ewan and Colfax schools to participate in volleyball, softball, archery and track events.

25 years ago

May 19, 1988

Cleve Richardson, originator of the Codger Bowl, barks out a few director’s orders during picture day Saturday. Harvey Schneidmiller of St. John and Jack (Casey) Neil of Colfax try to pay attention. Bob White of Spokane also tried to listen.

Forty-seven Jennings Elementary pupils, fifth through eighth graders, participated in the declamation contest at Asotin, and brought home six first-place wins, six seconds and two thirds.

10 years ago

May 15, 2003

Fans may flock to Washington State University to see the Cougars play, but 12 Grizzly bears, including four 3-month-old bear cubs, have shown they can certainly draw a crowd all by themselves. Grizzlies have been a common sight at WSU’s Bear Research Facility on Pullman Airport Road for the last 17 years.

Severe spring storms hit in several locations late Sunday in Whitman County. Taking a toll on roads and fields in Colfax, the storm with hail, lightning and a downpour hit about 6:30 p.m. and lasted for about 40 minutes.

Work on the Walla Walla Highway bridge across the Palouse River at Colfax, a project which has bounced around several burners with the state Department of Transportation for several years, is expected to get underway in early June. The project will involve installation of new bridge railings and take about six weeks.


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