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Endicott school starts character education


St. John and Endicott School Districts have been implementing a character education program. This fall, the SJE High School ASB identified specific character traits to focus on each month. September’s character trait was tolerance. On Friday, Sept. 20, the ESJ Middle School ASB and leadership class organized an all-school assembly focusing on and teaching tolerance.

The students were placed into diverse groups to determine what the members had in common and how they were all different. Through this exercise, they began to understand just how different they all are. This new understanding helped them to realize that tolerance isn’t just something that is needed in larger communities and schools, but is important in our smaller communities and schools as well.

Principal Mike Olson said watching the students work through this process was inspiring. The assembly was a great way to kick off the character education program this year.

Sharon Huff and daughter Sheryl Kyllo went to Boca Raton, Fla., to watch her granddaughter, Shelby Kyllo, play in a volleyball tournament. They also enjoyed the Florida weather by going to the beach, shopping and had a BBQ.

Community Bread and Soup Suppers have begun and will be the first and third Wednesdays during the fall and winter months. Trinity Lutheran Church will host the supper on the first Wednesday. Endicott Community Bible Church will host the supper on the third Wednesday. All suppers will be at Trinity Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome.


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