Serving Whitman County since 1877

Pastor’s corner

How many times do we offer up excuses for not doing things that show our appreciation to people or God for good things in our lives or offer excuses for why we won’t or can’t do the things we need to do to fix our lives, even when they, or perhaps especially when they are really very simple to do. Excuses for many different things come to mind: the dog ate my sermon, my watch stopped, my alarm clock didn’t go off, traffic was heavy, I got stuck behind a combine (that was one that I would never have been able to offer until I moved up here, but it has happened!) I’m tired, it’ll take too long, they won’t appreciate it anyway, I’m sure you can think of many more.

But what excuse can we possibly offer God for lack of appreciation for the great things God has done for us, for the times God has walked with us through tragedy and difficulty, for the blessings, gifts, and miracles that God has provided in our lives? This is the one we offer the most: well, God already knows what he has done and knows that I appreciate it. What does it matter to God if I praise, thank and voice my appreciation? Maybe it doesn’t matter to God in that God doesn’t need to be thanked or appreciated to stroke his ego or to make him feel good.

We need to thank God for our sakes. To express gratitude for the sake of our character and growth. If we don’t express our gratitude to God, how much more likely is it that we won’t express our gratitude to people. If we offer God excuses how much more likely are we to offer them to people. The excuses we come up with for God and to other people are often more complicated and time consuming than a simple thank you would have been.

Luckily for us, God never offers us excuses. God is right there beside us in good times and bad, guiding our steps in the direction we should go but never forcing us, only offering. And when we come to God with our excuses for why we did this or didn’t do that, unlike us he offers no excuses for why he can’t help us anymore. He just picks up where we left off.

But how much better would it be if we thanked God for what he does for us even as it is happening or at least the moment we notice as the leper did in the parable of the 10 healed lepers (Luke 17:11-19), turning around praising God and thanking Jesus, the moment he noticed he was healed. Take the time, make the effort, with God and with your family, friends, neighbors, and even those people in your life whom you wish weren’t. Then you won’t have to waste time coming up with excuses that no one really believes anyway, least of all God. A simple heart-felt thank you is enough for those who love us, most of all God.

Rev. Jeannette Solimine

United Church of Christ

Colfax, WA


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